Self - Diagnostic

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My problem Is that i wanna be there for people when its needed
But when people offer their help, like a request i delete it
I hate putting my sanity in peoples hands
feel like I'm depending on their legs to stand
So I rather keep my mouth shut and take it to the chin
But the swings turned to bullets how it damaged me within
Sometimes my heart breaks itself and i cant repair the damage
I place myself around others to help remove the feeling of being stranded
But now I'm the outcast because my mind is trapped on my depressed planet
They love when I'm happy but hate to see me down
A smile turned to a frown, white paint and red nosed clown
I tell myself its okay but that only lasts for a while
My day feels so fast but my mind has only begun the mile
I'll let go of the wheel and rest my eyes for a second
If I wake up still driving its a blessing,
I know god is tired of me providing my destruction
Pretty soon he'll come for my soul like alien abduction
So I should be feeling scared... but at the moment i feel like I'm prepared.
It pays to be aware but its a confidence boost to not be scared
To step to the plate and provide nothing is suicide my dear
The same way you can be deceitful and have the the nerve to shed a tear
The tears of you losing what you abused is crazy to me
Because In regards to how I feel, you revealed you never fucked with me. 
Im sick of writing out my problems
I'm conflicted because it's the best way to solve em
If you can sit and discuss other peoples problems with me
I know you run and tell information from me
So I'll keep this a one way street how you confide in me
And tell you everything people would expect to hear from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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