chapter one : darling

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The days went by slowly , no word from my father, he hasn't came home in days. Well that was my father for you , people call him Captain Hook. The great pirate of the sea and me well, I'm y/n the freak child who can form dark energy. Well i do wear dark clothes and dyed my hair blue , just to annoy my father.

While sitting at home i got a letter from my father , his words was so dark and twisted as always , he has forgotten my birthday once again, but all i could do was cry. He just cared about his son Henry who is my half brother. I went to my safe space which is my bathroom tub and just cried my little dark heart out , my father is never the best to me , he never had been , i don't even know who my mother was so i stayed with my Father all these years.

Hours must of gone by , my eyes being red and puffy but i couldn't stop. Suddenly the bathroom door swung open , all i could do was look down not knowing if it was my father or not. "Please don't hurt me dad I'm sorry.."

"I won't hurt you darling "
It didn't sound like my father voice , so i looked up and saw a boy in green clothes , he looked shocked and confused , as he came closer ,he kneeled down by the bath tub.
"I'm here to take you home " he slowly wrapped his arms around me as i hugged him back , i didn't want to let go , i haven't been hugged like this since i was a little girl.
"Please take me away from here..'

The first meeting part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें