One: There Was Peace

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Sunlight filtered through the canopy of leaves and brushed the Witch's light features. Today was a good day to venture out into the woods. The mugworts and berries would be ready for collecting, and she had a couple new recipes to try with them that she was sure her friends would enjoy.

The summer heat was just arriving to the valley, and Elloise was thankful she chose a loose dress to wear. She made sure the poncho she liked to slip on was secured with her fastened pendant, and then gazed onward. Ahead of her, the curled and wagging tail of her Familiar greeted her.

"And what have you found now, Kirk?" she gazed around his voluptuous brown fur to find a tiny bird stunned on the ground. "Ah, give it space."

She ordered her canine companion just as she heard Kirk's voice. It's only been stunned, it hasn't suffered any injuries.

The Witch was perturbed by this information, but nonetheless, she gently scooped the tiny blue jay into her hands. She found a higher place where it would be safe within the grooves of branches and leaves.

"I wish you a speedy recovery," she whispered to it, and walked back to her Familiar. "Have you found the scent yet?"

Kirk sniffed the air and grumbled as he led her further up the beaten path. The berry bushes were easy to find, and bursting with blackberries! She took the time to sort them out the old-fashioned way and packed them into her basket.

Elloise was getting ready to put her long hair up when she sensed a troubling shift in the air. Before, the wind carried the easy scent of the leaves and blooming flowers; now there was something vile that did not belong in these parts.

The positive energies of the day hid away as a nasty aura drew in stifling negativity. At first, the Witch was stun-locked at the uncanny presence that reminded her of smoke in her lungs, of ash at her feet...

Elloise! The desperate call made her leap into action even as her mind stumbled back into reality.

Lead me there! She called out to Kirk as their bond grew taught. Her mind's eye showed flashes of the terrifying beast her partner was facing.

The putrid smell of rotting flesh filled the air as she grew closer to the sound of fighting. Her powers acted on their own to take the basket of berries from her, and she barely noticed the floating woven basket.

Why is it here?! Why was a creature of Fear manifested so strongly here in this peaceful grove? Its mutilated limbs leaked black oil as it tried to retain the form of a large bear. The red eyes were frightening, and the fangs and claws grew solid.

El, I think it's after this. Kirk replied, showing off a kitten that huddled behind the pomeranian's legs.

Elloise wouldn't have thought the cat out of the ordinary until she sensed the unusual energy swirling around its orange and white body. It definitely held some sort of enchantment, and whatever the magic was, it was drawing the creature of evil toward it.

So she summoned her own magic, and felt the warm vibration of the crystal around her neck. The earth around her became alive as her affinity called to the nature. At once, vines and tree roots reached out to subdue the unwanted Fear.

The dark creature howled, and made Elloise shudder at the piercing sound. Her magic worked intricately as she spelled out writing in the air for the earth to listen to. "Heed my call, oh divine nature, send this denizen of the dark evil back to the shadows!"

Enchanted ElloiseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant