Two: The Cursed Kind

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If there was such a thing as true kindness in this world, then perhaps this could be it.

He woke up to a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time. With sunshine streaming in through the window next to him, and a fleece blanket tucked around him, he wondered if this was some type of heaven. Maybe he had died by that monstrous figure that hunted him... It was the last thing he really remembered, after all.

As drowsiness slowly left his mind, one thing persisted: That wasn't the last thing he remembered. There was a dog that showed up, that freed him from the beast that had snared him. The canine had far more strength and intelligence than any ordinary animal.

Then a woman appeared, and the last thing he saw was her chanting, and the glow from her necklace reacted...

A Witch. Find the Witch of Merriam, Alfonso. She's the only one that can break the spell! She was the Witch his mother talked about, the one he set out to find!

Eager, he moved to get up.

.... Only to get tangled even more in the blanket. What is this? Alfonso fought for control over his limbs until he tossed himself out of the blanket.

With a loud yelp, he landed on the hardwood floor. His paws stung a little from the impact, but he was pleased to still be able to land on his feet.

Curiously, he looked around. Oh, so this is a Witch's Hut.

There were plenty of desks, all filled with books and vials of different things. Plants were everywhere! It was almost like they had taken over. Some had flowers growing at the end, but Alfonso was sure there had to be at least twenty different plants growing just in the room he was in.

The natural aroma coming from the flowers was soothing, and Alfonso relaxed as he walked around the Hut. Despite the arrange of trinkets and vials, it felt homey. There was a fine layer of dust on some of the books and surfaces.

As the feline journeyed into what he assumed to be the kitchen, he noticed dirty dishes in the sink, and a large woven basket on the counter. Berries, he smelled the kind he had eaten on the long journey through the forest.

His senses alerted him to the sound of heavy breathing, and someone tossing in the bed in the next room. He padded over to the sound, and saw the familiar blonde hair of the woman from the forest. She was in a fretful sleep, and then the bigger canine was in his line of sight.

He jumped away and studied the brown dog as it stared at him with too intelligent yellow eyes.

So you're awake.

Alfonso's shock must have translated to the invasive voice because he continued without missing a beat.

I'm the Familiar of the Witch, Elloise. My name is Kirk. The dog in front of him seemed much more grander suddenly, and the cat realized the hidden power this being possessed. No wonder he had been able to fend off that ghastly creature! Alfonso remembered the stories he used to hear about a Witch's Familiar; how they gained some of the Witch's power through their bond.

Elloise? That's her name? Alfonso's thoughts were a bit scattered, and the canine's pointed ears twitched.

The Familiar began scrutinizing him. What business do you have with my master?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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