lmao imagine being gay

10 1 2

*Viktor made a chat*

*Viktor added Marcus, Petra, Billy and 6 others to the chat*

*Viktor changed the chat's name to "All who is relevant"*

Petra: what the fuck is this

Viktor: is group chat

Marcus: why tf am I here?

Viktor: I added all who do things around here

Viktor: and lex

Lex: wtf

Lex: what does billy do?

Viktor: annoy me and flirt with faiboy

Billy: I DO NOT!

Marcus: do what? Annoy him or flirt with me

Petra: love how you immediately assume that's you


Viktor: we have old KGB saying

Viktor: the worst kind of man is man who denies riding other man's horkum

Brandy: he's a queer?

Viktor: here, we all are

Willie: no we're not?

Chico: I think that's just you dude

Saya: lmao imagine being gay

Saya: Marcus stop giving me that look

Marcus: don't act like I haven't caught you doing shit

Saya: stfu

Brandy: this is fucking gross

Marcus: don't act like I haven't caught you doing shit too

Marcus: a girl in specific

Brandy: You saw no such thing!

Marcus: I literally took pictures

Marcus: I can send them if you would like

Maria: You took pictures?!?!

Marcus: calm down, it's only of them kissing

Marcus: I needed to make sure I didn't do a shit load of acid again

Marcus: it seemed like something my brain would make up to fuck with me

Chico: why tf did you choose this fucking weirdo over me? Am I really that bad?

Maria: Don't get me wrong, you are that bad, but I just wanted an escape and Marcus is easy

Saya: that's her way of calling him a slut

Marcus: what the fuck did I do?

Maria: Saya

Lex: Petra

Petra: Billy

Willie: Viktor

Saya: Lex that one time

Marcus: how do you know about that?

Saya: you are not the acid king

Marcus: understandable, have a nice day.

Billy: wait, that happened BEFORE Vegas???

Viktor: Vegas?

Saya: we dont talk about vegas

Chico: I agree with the bitchy sword lady for once

Brandy: well now I'm intrigued

Marcus: I have been meaning to ask, how tf did you manage to survive getting your throat slit?

Saya: yeah, we legit thought you were dead

Maria: ap dark arts was superrrr awkward the next day

Marcus: good thing we didn't dispose of the body

Chico: fuck all of you 

Maria: I think Marcus is working on that

Marcus: I might be a whore but I'm not whore enough to sleep with the nazi

Willie: that felt very pointed Marcus

Willie: and I stopped after I found out she's an official member of the KKK

Viktor: KKK is racist group who hate black people, correct?

Petra: yup

Viktor: then why she sleep with black man?

Petra: better question is why did Willie sleep with her? That is like asking for a STD

Brandy: I'll have you know that I only have one STD

Willie: what.

Chico: that's one too many

I'M BACK BITCHES!  This time in a different fandom tho lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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