New Traditions

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A small smile crept across my face as I took a step back, staring at all my progress. The living room sat, decorations hung up, and a tree sat nicely in the corner of the room, covered in sparkly lights that twinkled ever so softly. I sighed contently to myself, a comforting feeling washing over me as the room echoed a calm, warm aura. The fireplace crackled quietly, illuminating the room with soft, orange glow. I turned as I heard a small hum come from beside me, my eyes meeting with the figure of my boyfriend, Cubic. He rested a hand on my shoulder as he took in the sight, a smile creeping across his face.

"Y/N," he began, "This is so... beautiful..."

"T-Thanks!" I smiled,

"Yeah..." he looked at me, staring for a second before looking away again, back to the tree, "What's this all for? All the decorations I mean..." embarrassment tinting his voice as he avoided looking at me.

"What?" I couldn't help but be a little shocked at his question, "You-You don't know?"

"No...?" He looked at me, a little confused.

"You- Are you telling me you've never heard about holidays?"

"Holidays?" He repeated, puzzled.

I gently reached out, taking Cubic's hand into my own and bringing him closer to the tree. He reached out, touching the small needles, pink spreading from his fingers and tinting their edges as he examined it. We stood there, a small smile forming on my face again as I looked back at him.

He was so cute when he was confused.

I looked away, staring back at the tree, "The holidays are usually something shapes celebrate, especially the ones during the winter...." My eyes darted back over to him, "It's a time to show your appreciation and love for every shape around you." I smiled, looking away again, "It's been around forever, and everyone celebrates differently..."


A small, sad look crossed my face, "You've never experienced it, have you?"

He didn't respond, only looking away from me, averting his eyes, a semi-sad expression gracing his face.

I looked away from him, the silence in between us becoming a little deafening. I stared at the glittering tree again, my hand gently wrapping around his own comfortingly. I looked back at him, Cubic yawning, looking away, a tired, sleepy look in his eyes as he stared at the fire. It was dark out, The sun had set hours ago, being replaced with a deep, inky black sky, stars peppering it beautifully along with the snow. I smiled, hugging Cubic gently.

"You should go get some sleep, Cubey-" I held him close.

He sat a hand on my back gently, leaning into the hug, "What about you?"

"I'll get some sleep too, don't worry." I looked up at him, "I just- I need to finish decorating." I nervously smiled.

He stared at me quietly before a small chuckle erupted from him, "You know, you're bad at lying, Y/N," He gently kissed my cheek, "I'll see you later, goodnight, my Y/N."

"Goodnight." I held onto his hand as he pulled away, leaving to go to his room.

My smile faded as I watched him walk away, my eyes glancing back to the tree. I turned, staring at it as it glew brightly. I sighed a bit sadly, wondering,

How could I show him what it felt like?

As I began to try to think of ways I could show him the holidays for the first time, hours began to pass. I thought about every idea I could, each one running through my head. After a few hours, I quickly made up my mind, turning towards my room. I walked down the hallway, stopping for a few seconds outside of Cubic's door. I peeked inside, staring at him as he slept for a few seconds. I looked away, soon making my way to my room. I quickly laid down, grabbing my phone off of the bedside table. I turned on an alarm for early in the morning, hoping to wake up before he did.

New Traditions (A Cubic X Reader holiday special oneshot thingy) [[Old]]Where stories live. Discover now