Kindergarten. Age five.

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I was five. It was the first day of kindergarten, and I didn't know anybody. I walked in with my mom. I was scared.

The teacher assigned us our seats. I was on the left side of the room. There was a girl, named Maddie. We started talking.

Three months later, I still liked Maddie. We were friends, or what I knew to be friends. She was funny.

Six months into the school year, I met Nicki. She liked horses, too. We started talking. I liked her.

Seven months, and I met Danielle. She liked horses. Nicki and I welcomed her into our little group.

The end of the school year, in June. It was hot outside. Maddie joked about shaving her head to not deal with the heat.

Summer. I didn't talk to any of them. It was me and my little sister and a play group with my mom's friend's kids. We got along.

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