Orange Kisses

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I sit on the couch in my pajamas: plaid pants and a huge shirt. I just took a bath and now I'm doing some 'social networking'. It surprises me how many people sent me a friend request already. A lot of people I don't know, but I do recognise a few of them. Kelsey, Justin, some other people of the 'popular group', Liam, Louis and Harry. Oh, and the girl from the Starbucks whom I asked Nialls name. Apparently her name is Charlie Del Acker. I accept a few more invitations and after a while I stand up and make some tea. We only got green tea, because Hayley read on a webpage that green tea keeps your skin beautiful. I wonder how someone can be so perfect and naive in the same time...

I walk back to the couch and I see through the window my dads car. 'Speaking of Hayley..' I mumble and put off the television. 'HEY SIS!' I hear and see Hayleys smiling face. Her hair, perfect as always. Red, just like mine. Her clothes, selected as a professional stylist. 'My day was perfect, as always. My first day, and I already got a date! Isn't my life wonderful?' My eyes get bigger as she says those words. 'Date? Who is the victim?' I try to make a joke of it, but I've got the feeling this is bad, really bad. What if he's one of The...'Liam! And he's not a victim; he asked me!' Hayley has obviously not heard the story of The Five yet. 'Erm.. How am I going to put this..' I start. 'How to put what?' 'Liam.. He's one of The Five. They play a game: who is the first one to get the v-card of the Kendall-sisters.' I say it fast, so Hayley can't say anything before I'm done. 'Nonsense. Liam is a such a cute boy. He would never hurt me. We're going to Orange Branch tonight to welcome me. You should come too! I mean, then all these people can welcome us!'

I've heard of Orange Branch. It was, just like the Starbucks, our schools hangout, but then in the evening and with loads of alcohol. There were often fights and other things to gossip about the next schoolday. Hayley would definitely feel at home at Orange Branch, but I would be a bit lonely since I don't know many people yet. In any other situation I would have said 'no', but because Hayley doesn't believe me I have to come too. To protect her. To make sure she doesn't end up in Liams bed.

'Okay. I'll come too, but you have to believe me: Liam isn't the angel he looks like.' 'Blabla.. Hey overprotective Alice, what have you done with the cool, party Alice?' Hayley laughs. 'I left her in Holland with my friends.' I want to say but instead I swallow my words and fake a smile.

'Are you ready?' I shout upstairs. Hayley always takes more time to put her make-up on, but eventually we always look the same. 'Yeah, one second.' She replies and I hear her footsteps coming towards us. 'She'll be here in a sec.' I say to Liam, who's standing next to me. He came by car to pick us up. 'Here I am.' Hayley says as she's coming down. 'You're so beautiful.' Liam says and he takes her hand. I've never felt more the fifth wheel of a car, but if I won't be there tonight, Liam will definitely win the virginity game.

'Hayley! Liam! Over here!' Kelsey sits with many other people in the middle of the room. 'Carl, please move a seat so they can sit here.' She continues. Hayley sits down next to her and Liam finds his place next to Hayley. I immediately see there isn't anyone I know in their 'group', so I walk towards the biljart tables. The people who are playing seem nice and not very arrogant. Suddenly I see the Starbucks girl. Charlie Del Acker. She sees me too and walks towards me. 'Hey, you just came here?' I nod. 'You wanna play?' Charlie says and she hands me a cue. 'Erm.. I have never played this game before.' I say. It's the truth; for some reason I just have never played it. 'I will show you.' she says. She grabs her cue, places it in the right position and makes a move. 'She's good. What do you think?' someone next to me says. I turn my head and look in the blue eyes of Niall. 'I don't know if she's good. I don't know how to play this game.' 'Really? Don't they know this game in the Netherlands?' Without waiting for my answer he pulls me up. 'I will teach it.' He gives me the cue, goes stand behind me and put his arm around me to help me place the stick. 'Just like that.. And then you just give it a little push.' The white ball shoved the other balls into the holes. Charlie stands next to us. 'Ah, I see he's a better teacher than I am.' she laughs. 'My help isn't longer needed.' Charlie goes further with her biljart game. 'Do you want to drink something?' Niall asks. He takes my hand and together we walk towards the bar. 'Two Bacardi-coke please.' 'Alice! I thought you were sitting over there, but that must have been your sister.' the Styles boy and Zayn sit next to me. 'Yeah, she asked me to come.' 'Here you are.' the bartender says and gives us our drinks. I take a little nip. 'Do you play darts?' Zayn asks. 'A bit, but my shots are just lucky ones.' 'Shall we play?' I nod and Niall, Harry and I walk towards the dartboards. 'Let's make this game a little bit funnier.' Zayn says cheeky. 'Oh no, this cheekiness isn't planned.' I think but I let him continue. 'Whoever hits the bull's eye or the tripple twenty can ask you a question. If you hit the 5,10,15 or 20 you can ask one of us a question. Okay?' He says with a smile. 'Okay!' Niall and Harry say at the same time. I still don't know what to think of this, but Harry already throws a dart. 20. Not tripple twenty. Another dart flies through the air. Bull's eye. 'Aah! So, my question is: do you have a boyfriend?' 'Nope.' I say maybe a bit too fast. 'Yes' was probably a better answer, because then this Five fuss was over. Stupid me. 'My turn.' I say and I grab the darts. 6. Another throw. 17. Last throw. 2. Damn. I really wanted to ask them something. Now it's Zayns turn. His first throw is directly deathly: tripple twenty. I swallow. 'I want to ask my question a bit more privately. Please walk with me.' He says. Stupid as I am I just follow him. Thinking of the consequences this might has. Zayn opens a door and waits for me to get in. Then he closes the door and looks at me. 'I'm single too.' He smiles and steps one step towards me. 'I like you. My question is: do you like me?' Another step in my direction. Shit. There you have it. The awkward questions. He can't like me in just one day. This is just one of his well-used sentences to get another girl. Zayn is nice, but I definitely don't like like him. I don't know what to say. 'Erm.. Yes, I mean no. Wait yes, but not the way you-' Zayn doesn't wait till I stop talking. He pushes me against the wall and kisses me. Roughly, like he wants to prove his "love for me". First I answer the kiss, but after two seconds I realise this is wrong. I turn my head away and Zayn puts a step back. 'Sorry.' He says. 'I shouldn't have done that.' 'Let's just forget this.' I say. Zayn nods and we walk back to the others. I can't see that Zayn makes behind me a silly dance move. A move like winners make after another victory.


Soooo Zayn made the first move, next to Liam ! Which boy do you prefer in this story? Tell me! The winner of the competion was Charlie! Congrats! Still waiting for you to mail me back btw ! Love JHP

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