the final war

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Jennie- someone please help-

yeji- I can help you I have learned healing powers now 

Jennie- ok please do it fast 

V- WHAT!! 

Jennie- (hugs V) don't you ever do it again (crying) 

 v- ok I will not but how did I come back alive 

rose- yeji helped you 

V- thank you yeji but aren't you helping tzuyu against us 

yeji- no she is going crazy about controlling the world 

Lisa- Ok guys we need to fight 

Jungkook- tzuyu had ran away 

jisoo- But she left bambam to fight with us 

jin- we can handle him very easily 

jimin- don't say that without knowing his full power 

suga and rm - yes jin is right 

j-hop- still we need to keep fighting there are coming look

they all stand up and get ready to fight because it is what their life depends on they need to fight with their full potential they want to win the fight but there are hundreds of people coming to them 

Lisa- (fighting with some) They are so many how can we handle them 

Jisoo- You are right we can't handle them 

Jennie- let's take down their leader and they will go weaker by themself

Rose- how we can't leave the boys alone fighting with this all 

Jungkook- we can handle them go 

Jimin- ( punching some people) yes they are easy to handle 

Jin- you girls fight with bambam 

j-hope- yes we are here go now 

V- and make you not hurt yourselves 

suga- be careful 

rm- ya don't care about us just ok 

Jisoo- ok we are going 

Jennie- and we will take care of ourselves don't worry let's go 

it was very hard to reach bambam as he was on the top of the tower but still, the girls managed to go there in no time by using their new powers 

bambam- I thought you girls will be there helping your boys to fight 

Lisa- They are not like you who need hundreds of people to protect them 

Rose- yes they know how to protect each other 

Jennie- They trust each other 

Jisoo- Yes not like you and tzuyu 

Bambam- What do you mean huh?

Jisoo- tzuyu left you cause she knows you won't be able to protect her 

Jennie- or she understands that we are so powerful that we can destroy your full clan 

Bambam- N-No she will come back 

jisoo and Jennie distract bambam while Lisa and rose free everyone who bambam wasn't able to control and kick bambam from back 

Rose- use your mind boy if she loves you she won't leave you 

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