2# Servamp (Updated: 1.5)

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Name: "Servamp"
Race: Vampire
Clan/Nation: Shadow Breaker/Phantom Zone


A middle-aged man, once known as the Robin Hood of the 17th century of Europe. He fought during his harsh life in a world filled with dictatorship and slavery. He is the leader of a resistance called "Varstula".

After an unforeseen judgment of an unknown entity, he and the rest of his comrades let out their last breath and die together on the battlefield as they fulfill their last mission to save their people from a never-ending cycle of corruption.

After many years of silence, a mysterious figure approaches the lonely rebel soul and offers him a chance to live a second life. Under the name of "Servamp", he joined the Shadow Breaker as a mercenary for hire. Unlike other members of the Shadow Breaker, Servamp does not accept any payment for his services; instead, he solely values collecting the souls of corrupt individuals.

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