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Hey Wolf army,I decided to make a book and tell yall what's going on.

Well first I have cupcake right here.

Cupcake: Hi!

Me:Yes u mm the second thing is 4 more days left of school!

Cupcake : Yes! And that means we get to update more!

Me:Yes and u mm are you supposed to be with chrisflo and Cyannide?

Cupcake : Sh! I don't want to go back yet it's crazy there with a couple.

Me:*holds in laugh* well I guess you heard noises at night? *smirks*

Cupcake : Shut up!

Me:Haha.Well school has been pretty fun we Hardly even have homework.So yeah but I going to miss my class cause they was the best!

Cupcake : oh right Mrs Russell home room

Me: yeah.. but it's crazy in there sometimes.

Cupcake : Well Tell them all about last friday.

Ally:Right! In the lunch room there was a dragonfly just flying around well mostly me heh see I'm nice with animals.

Cupcake : what ever.

Me:Well bye everyone at 3 or 4 cupcake will update her stories and I'm going to be I some of them -.-

Cupcake : oh come on it won't be bad.

Me:Fine bye

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