Chapter 1: An Incredibly Boring Dragon Fight

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Space is where our story begins; cold, black void of all light a man floats staring uninterested at the green, and the white planet below. The man sighs glancing at the moon-sized asteroid nearby "Why's the moon so much smaller than this asteroid?" The man asked rolling his eyes he checks the buttons on his all-black suit making sure they were all fashioned on right "what a kind gift" the man says rolling his eyes. As the planet grew closer the man prepared to fall rolling into a ball he is an eight-foot-tall man with black hair sleeked back though due to its thick nature it spikes backward. The man glanced around the dark space and noticed something moving towards him a ball of light growing more, and more. The man sighed as the ball reached him realizing the ball stood two times larger than himself he decided to deal with it quickly "leave me alone you're in my space" the man said annoyed continuing to float forward. Suddenly the ball released a screech that could only be described as metal scraping against metal come to find out as the man looked closer that the ball had two rotating hoops within it one circling vertically, the other horizontally. The man looked uninterested as the ball released a little flair towards him it reached out and splintered off to form a hand as it wrapped around the man and began to squeeze. The man stared at the ball for a moment "you're a star aren't you?" the man asked before burning to ash but as quickly as he burned away he was reformed, the ball attempted to burn him away again but failed "I've already adapted to that ability it will not work again" the man said a small smirk appearing on his face. The star in a state of fear charged into the distance holding tightly to the man attempting to thrash him about and crush him "unhand me now!" the man screamed reaching his hand above his head forming a ball of cold blue energy in his hand. The star continued blasting forward as the man went to slam his energy into the arm of the star but before he could land the killing blow the two were slammed into by something. They plummeted onto the asteroid nearby as the man stood up preparing his final attack again he heard a voice that shocked him for the first time in years. The man turned to the side and before him lay a rocket ship with the American flag displayed prominently on it he also noticed three identical triplets climbing out of it standing at seven feet tall the three of them had colorless eyes, bald heads, space suits marked one through three one number for each, and ashen skin which was strange as the last time he had seen the three they were most certainly black men. The men hopped to the floor of the asteroid and looked at the man "hey Steven long time no see buddy" the man marked with a three said "Steven good to see you again" said the man marked with a two "My friend come over here and give us a group hug!" Shouted the man marked with a one. Steven looked at the three with disinterest "no offense but wasn't you all black?" he said as he turned to the entrance of a cave he had noticed while floating through space. The triplets laughed hysterically before gathering themselves and smiling "when you ran away back then we were tasked with bringing you back but you left the Earths atmosphere before we could catch up to you" said the man marked with a three "we went back to the government to tell them of our failure and in response, our blood was drained from our bodies" the man marked with a two said "we've only recently been put back into the field to bring you back to Earth" said the man marked with a one. Steven looked away and began walking toward the cave entrance "I'm uninterested in returning to Earth however if you'll join me out here for a while then I'm sure we'll find our way back there" he said dryly as he noticed something moving in the rocks. Suddenly the rocks took the form of a small man of four feet with a mole head "hello friend sorry for the intrusion but I couldn't help but notice your battle with that star and was wondering if you could provide me some assistance" the creature said looking at Steven. "uninterested just wanted to look in this cave however now that I think about it we were nowhere near here when I realized that was a star so explain how you knew that" Steven said looking at the creature now with a serious look on his face. "Well you see I was going to sneak some things out of my home the city has been invaded by a dragon but I have many valuables down there I'm what is known as a desert bound mole man a being made of rocks with the body of a man, and the head of a mole we can read minds so allow me to say if you don't assist me in destroying that dragon I'll tell all those people your secret" the mole man said dead seriously shocking Steven. The three brothers looked over at Steven wondering what he and the mole man were talking about "have you two noticed how different Steven is?" asked the man marked with a three "It's been two hundred years of course he's changed" said the man marked with a two "quiet guys he's coming back over" said the man marked with a one Steven walked to the group. Waving the star over he put his hand on it healing its wounds "your name is Starry now you'll be my first line of defense in the battle to come" Steven said before looking at the brothers "if you wanna help me fight then tell me your names and powers its been two hundred years and I've forgotten them" Steven said annoyed. The man marked with a three stepped up "the name is Three The Strategist of the Magnus brothers! I can fuse with any matter I touch on command, and can manipulate that matter to do as I need it to within its skill set" Three said proudly as the man marked with a two stepped up "I am Two! The Trickster of the Magnus brothers my ability is duplication I can make a perfect copy of anything, and control the copy to do as I please even beyond its skillset" Two said proudly as the man marked with a one stepped up "and finally I am One! The Greatest of the Magnus brothers! My ability allows me to transmogrify any matter into something else the transformed item will also take on the properties of its transformation!" One said proudly as the three stood before Steven. Steven looked at the brothers, and released a sigh of annoyance "anything else?" He asked leading One to step closer "well we're classified as Zombie Men by the U.S. Government we can survive without normal human functions so long as our weak points remain intact that's why we're still alive even though our blood is gone our consciousness remains here, and our souls have ascended to Heaven to praise God" One said happily "is that so... Fine come along then" Steven said heading into the cave with a small smirk on his face. The group went deeper into the cave but were seemingly getting nowhere "Steven why did we bring this abominable star down here with us?" One asked "because it's an asset in battle, and can light the way" Steven said annoyed. Eventually, as the bunch moved forward they found themselves in a large cavern, and laying at the bottom of the cavern was a dragon; twenty stories tall, red, with two massive horns sticking out above its nose, a long tail covered in spikes, and three-fingered hands, and feet it breathed in and began sniffing the air rising out of the cavern it lied in to stare face to face with our heroes. "Can you screw off? I'm trying to do something" Steven said this caused the dragon's serpent-like eyes to furrow in anger as he raised his fist into the air and slammed it down onto Steven crushing him to bits before wiping the residue off and sending it to the floor. The dragon looked at the rest of the horrified heroes as he laughed "you are all pathetic compared to me! I am the least of the dragons with no unique power and yet your friend died so pathetically much like the rest of you soon shall!" the dragon boomed out as he prepared another punch. The brothers put on serious faces "we kill it now, and mourn our friend later" One said grabbing a large stone and turning it into a grenade "Star blind it, One make that a freeze grenade, two duplicate the grenade, and get into flank positions! I'll take him head-on by fusing with these diamonds!" Three commanded as he fused with the diamonds. Starry flew into the dragon's face attempting to use its solar flares to slash the dragon's eyes "foolish star my skin can not be penetrated by light!" the dragon laughed before uppercutting Starry and launching it through the roof into space he then turned to the brothers throwing a right-handed punch into Three however the punch was met only with pain as the diamond armor Three had fused with had been formed into a large spike. The dragon screamed in pain and flailed about "now you two!" Three yelled from a new vantage point One, and Two threw their grenades at the dragon's mouth but at the last second he breathed out horrid flames that slammed directly into Two knocking him out cold, and burning most of his flesh to nothing "I am a dragon you fools you can not defeat me!" the dragon screamed before raising his tail and slamming it directly into Three who only barely managed to fuse with some more diamond blocking a small amount of the blow but still sustaining a large spike through the chest causing him to pass out. The dragon turned to face the last remaining brother "I am one of many fearsome dragons who made a deal with Satan himself who feared us so much he sent us off planet Earth to save himself!" the dragon screamed triumphantly raising his fist to finish the job. Suddenly however the dragon screamed in pain roaring and yelling as it fell to the floor One looked down at the dragon and found that its foot had exploded "what!? Steven?!" he screamed as he saw Steven's silhouette standing in the cavern below. Steven began walking to the dragon's face where upon reaching it the dragon spoke up "how did you destroy my foot?" the dragon asked fearfully causing Steven to smirk "you're aware that Satan made that deal with you all because he wanted Earth to himself and didn't want a bunch of pathetic weaklings getting in his way right?" Steven asked before punching the dragon's head knocking it clean off the base. Steven then flew to the top of the cavern healing his comrades and dragging them outside where the mole man and Starry waited. "Steven, how are you still alive?" Three asked looking at his friend's new body "my special ability is adaptability even if I die I'll come back with an immunity to the attack that killed me" Steven said annoyed leaving the brothers aside and walking up to the mole man "would you like to see proof of the kill?" Steven asked prompting the mole man to nod leading Steven back into the cave. The three brothers waited with the star for what felt like an hour contacting the Government to let them know of the development "yes sir" Three said hanging up his contacter "what did they say?" One asked "keep the star around unless it becomes a threat to us and deal with the dragon threat eliminate Steven if he refeuses to help, and return home after," Three said turning to his brothers. Suddenly a roar came from the cave and was just as quickly silenced Steven returned alone moments later "the head came back to life and ate the mole man! We've gotta get off this thing now because it's been pushed toward the planet below!" He runs past the brothers, and hops in their rocket the rest of the crew hops on board and blasts off leaving the planet below to be utterly obliterated by the asteroid. The group minus Starry who was latched onto the side of the rocket looked at Steven "I'll join you in dealing with them but I'm not going to do all the work every time" Steven said rolling his eyes and looking out the window "understood we'll head toward the next target then.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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