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Picture of Acacia on the side!!
Acacia P.O.V
I walk into the mall my attitude slightly heightened a scowl permanently etched onto my face for the day. I walk by the shoppers all of which are avoiding my gaze. They all grow quiet as I walk by. My stomach rumbles as I walk into the food court immediately heading for Nandos. In the mood for carrots I skip the five guys in line and walk toward the cash register. "Hey we were here first!" The blond shouts. Everyone gasps staring intentionally at the boys. I eye each of them up and down not recognizing them. "Look, you're obviously not from around here so listen here and listen good. You are in my city now. Wanna know who I am ask the cops about Acacia Bloomings they'll tell you everything. Unless you wanna know now." All of them silent during my speech I was slightly surprised when one of them spoke up. "We would like to know now." Everyone looks at the boys as if they were stupid idiots which I do not disagree with. "Alright." I simply reply. "Everyone out!" I shout chuckling as they scamper to the door like rats jumping off a sinking boat. I spot the manager trying to head for the doors. "Not you. I'm using you as a demonstration." He looks terrified as he retreats back to the counter hands shaking slightly. "Alright boys watch this. You." I point to the helpless manager. "Run to the door." He hesitantly runs to the doors. But I race faster and in one keen move he's on the floor air knocked out of him my foot placed on his stomach with slight pressure. He gasps in pain and I look back to the boys and see they're frightened. I see a hand reach for my carrots that are placed on the table. I look up to see a brown haired blue eyed idiot thinking I don't see him, that is until I spoke up. "Touch my carrots I will break both your hands." he smirks and takes one biting it his teeth sinking into the carrot with a loud crunch as if teasing me. "Louis no!" One shouts but by the time the words are out my shoulder has slammed against him. My hand has grabbed his collar, my clenched fist has punched him giving a satisfying crack and I've dropped him to the ground. His hand presses against his eye as his friends run towards him to help. A curly haired one snaps his head back to me. His mouth opens as if he might say something and I raise an eyebrow. His mouth opens and closes making him look like a fish. He shakes his head and glances at where the manager was and just then I realized he's scampered off with the others. "How are you so strong any ways." Louis says whimpering slightly. My hand instinctively rises and touches the scar on the back of my neck. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." I reply to no one in particular as I grab my carrots and walk away. I make my way to the place I call home which is really just an abandoned cabin in the woods. I live here so no one can find me. I walk in and glance around sighing the only thing that looks very much modern is a pentagon shaped glass capsule. But I don't think it counts because I need it to survive. I munch silently on my carrots and then step into the capsule worn out from the eventful day.
I didn't think they thought I was serious until I walk into Nandos waiting for a friend and find 5 boys staring at me. "Hello love." says one of them. I nod and walk toward a booth past them and plop myself down in the seat. They plop themselves down as well into my booth.
As they introduce themselves I'm more focused on the black eye on Louis. The doors slam open as Astrid walks in Bradlee trailing after her. I immediately jump up from my seat and run to Bradlee throw my arms around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist as I slam my lips onto his. He smiles into the kiss. I bet this is pretty confusing but you see Bradlee is my awesome boyfriend. "No, 'hi Astrid it's good to see you after two weeks. How are you?' Nope she goes straight to the boy." I chuckle and pull away. "Hey Astrid." I say and hug her. When she doesn't hug back I look at her and pout. "No huggy." "Nope you betrayed me for him." she says and points at Bradlee. I make puppy eyes and pout. "Pwease." "Uhh curse you and your cuteness!!" She says exasperated. "Yes" I shout wrapping my arms around her as she does the same.
"To Jack Wills." Shouts Bradlee running out of Nandos Astrid following. I follow after them not even giving the boys a second thought.

A/N:Ahh so excited for this book!!



Love you ma young padawans!! Yes I watch Star Wars don't judge!!

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