Christmas with wenclair

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" Wednesday!!" Enid shoots shaking the pale girl awake.

Wednesday immediately opens her eyes to see her girlfriend with a bright smile on her face. Wednesday groans before covering her face.

" Wake upp !! it's christmas!" Enid shouts chuckling at the end.

" I absolutely despise christmas, the only thing tolerable is that you can get frost bite from the snow." Wednesday shouts through her pillow.

Enid frowns.

" Please my loveee" Enid pouts.

Wednesday sighs. She couldn't resist enid calling her that.

" Let me brush my teeth." Wednesday rolls her eyes stomping out of her bed into the bathroom.

They had bought an mini tree and promised each other to put presents under the tree for one another. Enid told her she didn't want a lot. only asking Wednesday for new headphones . Well Wednesday did get her new headphones but she thought it wasn't enough. So she also bought her a pet cat.

She's always talking about cats and how she loves them. Wednesday frowns at the memory. The memory on how she had to get the cat.


" excuse me. How can i get an cat." Wednesday speaks up at the person behind the desk.

She was at a ' pet store' To find enid an cat.

" ugh. What kind of cat."

" uhm. Any kind?"

" Ugh. " The lady groans before opening a door.

Soon later she came back with an black cat in a cage. It was a baby.

" This cat just came in. Some person brought it in saying someone was coming for it? And it needed somewhere safe to be" The lady says lazily.

" Hm." Wednesday hums.

Suddenly the front doors burst open. A tall man walks in. He was wearing an leather jacket and black jeans. He looked like he was part of a gang.

" Hey! That's my cat!" The man growls walking towards the front desk.

" Uhm no sir. He was brought in today?" The lady says.

" NO! he's my cat! give me it now!" The man shouts.

Suddenly Wednesday stands in front of him her face blank.

" Sorry ' sir' , But it seems this cat is mine now." Wednesday says grabbing the cats cage.

" who do you think you are little lady?!" The man shouts.

" never call me that." Wednesday says. Her voice serious now.

" Or what....? Little lady..?" The man smirks.

Wednesday let's put an frustrating breath before setting the cage on the floor. Wednesday looks at the man dead in the eye before knocking him on the floor with one punch. The man shoots in pain , blood shooting out of his nose.

" YOU LITTLE BITCH!" The man yells standing up .

He runs over to Wednesday grabbing her by the neck choking her. Wednesday was caught off guard.

" STOP!" the lady screams

Wednesday could feel her throat closing up and her face turning red. Wednesday looks for something anything. Suddenly she sees a pen on the desk. Wednesday grabs the pen jabbing it into the guys leg making him shout in pain letting go of Wednesday.

Wednesday gasps gently rubbing her throat. Wednesday groans before heading towards the guys getting on top of him. Wednesday puc he's him repeatedly times in the face , his face bleeding more every time. The guy growls before punching Wednesday on the cheek with all the strength he had left.

Wednesday falls back her cheek now bleeding . She lets out a breath before knocking the guy out with her fist . After a moment of silence she stands up walking over to the desk. She takes the cage.

" wait you need to pay!!" The lady shouts.

Wednesday stops and jerks her head back. Her eyes scary.

" I could've died. And all you did was watch. You didn't call for help. You didn't jump in. You just watched. So i suggest you let me take this cat. Before the same thing that happened to him happens to you." Wednesday says coldly.

The woman gasps. Wednesday huffs before storming out.


" Wednesday hurry up!" Enid shouts from outside the bathroom.

Wednesday snaps back to reality and opens the bathroom door yawning. Enid was sitting on the floor next to the tree. There was 3 pink wrapped presents and two black wrapped presents. Wednesday takes a seat next to enid .

" I can't believe you got that scar from falling down the stairs!" Enid frowns rubbing wednesdays cheek where the scar was.

" i'm fine cara mía." Wednesday says taking enid's hand off of her cheek and kissing it.

Enid blushes and smiles before looking around.

" Where's thing??" Enid says.

" He'll be here don't worry."


Eventually they opened all their gifts except one. The cat. Enid had got Wednesday dark chocolate with a note, custom made sweater that says " W + E = ❤️", and an gift card to her favorite book store. Wednesday got enid Pink colored headphones with chocolate roses and new shoes.

" I'm so happy with my gifts!!" Enid smiles hugging the pale girl.

Wednesday hugs back.

" Well i still have one more" Wednesday says .

Enid raises an eyebrow.

" Thing come out!" Wednesday shouts.

Eventually things comes out pulling an squared shape object with a blue blanket over it out of the closet. Enid looks at Wednesday confused.

" Go ahead , pull the blanket off." Wednesday says hiding back her smile.

Enid carefully takes the blanket off and gasps. Immediately covering her mouth.

" Wednesday Addams." Enid says quietly.

Wednesday smiles. Enid turns out head towards Wednesday tears in her eyes.

" You did not." She says.

" I did." Wednesday says letting out the tiniest chuckle at the end.

Enid upside down smiles before jumping on Wednesday hugging her.

" I love you! i love you! i love you! I love you!!" Enid says repeatedly kissing Wednesdays cheeks.

Wednesday can't help but let out a small smile. Wednesday stops enid from talking and holds her cheek. Giving her a quick and soft kiss .

" Now go say hi to your new cat." Wednesday says.

Enid nods and opens the cage . The cat slowly walking out.


The couple were now cuddled up in Blankets on Wednesdays bed . a laptop on Wednesday lap watching " the grinch". Enid was asleep on Wednesdays shoulder while Wednesday had her arm around enid. The cat between them snuggled up on both of them asleep. The cat who was now called Willa. Wednesday smiled at the sleeping girl. Out of all the christmas's she's had this was her favorite one.

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