Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe (Part One)

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She cut through the crowded school corridor like a shadow, passing through a sea of colorful garments, pinned backpacks and brand logos — the collective effort of impressionable teenagers to fit in amongst their banal social cohort. Wednesday Addams' only concern — dressed head to toe in black — was that she was not distinct enough from the other buffoons her age. She rounded the corner and turned toward her locker — two bubblegum-chewing girls leant against it, preventing her access. One of them belonged to Wednesday's English class, and based on her endless yammering about it from the back row last period, was insecure about her new haircut.

Wednesday stood in front of them with her arms folded, sporting a hostile glare.

They looked her up and down with a snicker.

"What could you possibly need from in here, weirdo?" one of them jabbed, "I know you don't have any makeup to reapply."

"It's probably where she keeps her imaginary boyfriend tied up," the other chimed in snarkily.

Wednesday was unfazed.

"No, I had a paper bag I thought you could use to cover your hairdresser's mistake," she retorted.

The girl straightened up, looking as though she might protest, but simply rolled her eyes and turned to her friend.

"C'mon, she probably has her own special type of food or something," she mocked.

"See you in cafeteria, loser, hope you find somebody to sit with today," the other jeered as they both vacated from Wednesday's locker.

She didn't bother returning their remarks, stepping toward her double-padlocked locker and breaking inside. Her school textbooks lay tattered at the bottom underneath a spare pair of boots, though she imagined Nancy Reagan High would take less of an issue with that than with the pet she was keeping on the top shelf.

Wednesday reached into the waist-pocket of her dress and pulled out a ziplock bag containing two dead crickets she'd caught earlier. She deftly opened the lid of the terrarium she had on the top shelf, slid them inside and then closed the lid again. Inside, from behind a stone and a twig, a full-sized Hogna Carolinensis wolf spider emerged to secure its new feast, eliciting a small smile from Wednesday.

"Good boy, Kessler," she murmured, slamming the locker shut. She was aware that any at this school who held ire toward her might try to take it out on the innocent spider, so she did her best to keep him hidden.

Her stomach grumbled.

'Time for another disappointing meal...' she thought to herself, turning and begrudgingly heading for the cafeteria. Jet-black braids hugged her slender shoulders as she marched, her dead-eyed gaze locked on her straight-line path. Nothing, nor no one, at this prison of a school elicited her attention — she imagined she'd find the walls of an actual prison more interesting.

Reaching the hall and taking her tray, she examined her lack of options: a rectangle slice of pizza, a helpful of corn, a container of peach slices suspended in juice, and a carton of chocolate milk.

'If the school were attempting to poison us, it'd be able to do it purely out of the banality of these meals...' she grimaced.

She turned and surveyed for an empty table. While the buffoon from earlier was technically correct about her typically sitting alone for meals, Wednesday certainly didn't desire otherwise. She'd found that the experience of sitting among other students usually involved vapid conversation and occasionally having flecks of food spat on her by teenagers who apparently hadn't yet learned to keep their mouths closed while eating.

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