CHAPTER 1: Lilith.

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Lilith and her sister, Lizzy were having dinner together. It wasn't the best dinner, but it was peaceful, so it is much better than yesterdays.

It was all alright until suddenly they hear a sound of a glass breaking. Lizzy ran towards the source of the sound and Lilith follows her younger sister.

There Lizzy stop in front of an open door with a face of pure horror. As Lilith reached the door, she heard the sound of a woman screaming for help.

There Lilith saw her mother trying to stab their house maid using a glass shard. Without thinking she takes her sister hands and hid her under the table. She thought both of them have gotten used to it but apparently not.

"LILITH!" Shouted Mr. Watterson from across the classroom. "Go wash your face in the toilet". She does as order and make her way to the toilet. She was zoning out more often than usual now after that "dinner incident".

On her way to the toilet, she can't help but feel that she was being watched and judged by the other pupils in the hallway.

When she reached the toilet, she looked in the mirror and saw a girl with red eyes, long black hair, puffy eyes and a face that looks like she might be starving to death. It was her reflection.

She was walking home when suddenly a man wearing a black raincoat came out on an alley way. She tried her best to not have eye contact with the man. But out of nowhere, the man pulled her arm into the alleyway.

The color started to drain from her face due to shock and fear, she could feel her tears starting to form as the man got closer to her. She let out a scream for help, but it reached no ears.

As the man got closer to her, she quickly took off her bag and swing it at the man's face. The man was taken aback by her sudden attack, he had no time to dodge the attack resulting to an injury on the man's face. The man held his face as he groans in pain. Lilith took this as an opportunity to fled away from the scene.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins, her breaths are sharp, her eyes are wide and filled with tears running down her chin. As soon as she reached her house door, she thanked God for being able to escape.

As she entered the house, she was greeted by silence, but she isn't bothered by it because she is used to it. She didn't bother to check on Lizzy like usual. Instead, she went straight to her room because she was traumatized with today's event.

She made her way to the bathroom to take a shower, the cold breeze hit her body as she took off her clothes. She felt the warm water sprinkled onto her body. She stood in the shower for a couple of minutes thinking about how fucked up her life can be. She turned off the shower knob, dried herself, put on new clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

She plopped down onto her bed that she was longing for the whole day. She didn't bother to dry her hair; all she wished now is to get away from her problems by sleeping. Soon, her eyes started to close.

She woke up in a room where the floor was dirty and cold with a black mist surrounding the room. Lilith shouted "Hello?" But it was just pure silence. She turned her head to her left and saw the man in black raincoat walking slowly to her. Lilith's pupils started to shrink to a smaller size. Lilith felt her blood ran cold as the man got closer and closer. Lilith tried to attack but it was useless because she was frozen in place. The man pinned her down to the floor and started strangling her, Lilith's vision starts to be blurry due to the strong grip on her throat. After that, the man let go of his grip on Lilith's throat. Lilith started to breath heavily and tears were prickling at her eyes threatening to fall. Lilith watch the man as he takes out a knife from his pocket and as he was about to stab her, the alarm rang, she was both grateful that she got to escape that nightmare and upset that her life didn't just end there. She woke up with cold sweats and breaths with short gasps. Lilith successfully calmed herself down and tried not to let yesterday events disturb her.

After she brushed her teeth, she quickly got into her uniform and walked out of the house door. She was too lazy to make breakfast. When she finally reached class, she sat down and took out her books for the upcoming period.

She could not help but doze off again in class and she could not hear any voices that surrounds her, Lilith's mind started to wander back to yesterday's incident. Her scream for help that reached no ears, the tight gripped on her wrist that pulled her into the dark alleyway, the hungry look on the man's face like a hunter caught its prey. She kept thinking about what if she didn't escape. Would her life take a turn?

The bell caused her to snap from whatever she was thinking about. She looked at the clock and it was time for recess. Lilith just sat on her chair and watch the pupils from her class leave the classroom for recess with joy on their faces. She thinks to herself when will the day finally come, she has happiness. She wouldn't budge from her seat because she had no appetite to eat. 'What's the point of going for recess anyway, it's not like I have anyone to sit with, I'm tired of seating at the corner like the lonely freak I am.' she thought to herself.

She looked around the class and suddenly she felt her anxiety kicked in, she whispered "fuck not now" to herself. Her legs started shaking roughly and she started biting her fingers as she felt her beads of sweat run down her chin.

She started to recall all the traumatizing events that happened in her life. No matter what she does to prevent her anxiety, she can't, it's always there and it's always watching, you can never get rid of anxiety, it's only a matter of time until it strikes.

As the pressure starts to build over her, she stood up from her chair and looked at her open window as the breeze starts to hit her. "I think it's better if I just end it all, no more recalling the past, no more problems that linger in the house, no more being lonely and no more anxiety." She whispered to herself. She took one last turn at her classroom to make sure no one was there to witness what was about to happen.

She placed one hand on the window frame and one foot on the windowsill. She felt tears of joy and a small smile starting to form. To finally put an end to it all, she placed her other foot on the windowsill which cause her to lose her balance and fall to her doom.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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