Part 1/1

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It was a day like any other.

I was thinking on what type videos to watch on my tablet, just to cure my boredom.

Then I immediately thought of watching SML.

I'm not a fan SML, but the videos do help me get entertained once and a while.

I typed in "SML" on the search bar and one of the videos stood out to me.

It was titled "SML Movie: The Body".

The thumbnail had Joseph and Cody with scared expressions on their faces in a red background.

I clicked on the video.

The video started off normal with Junior watching TV on the red couch and eating cereal with the box next to him.

He was taking the cereal off the box and eating it.

Chef Pee Pee came into the scene.

"Hey Junior." Chef Pee Pee greeted.

"I see that you're eating cereal. Just make sure you don't drop the box or else." The Chef warned.

"I'm not gonna drop it, Chef Pee Pee." Junior groaned.

I could picture him rolling his eyes when he said that.

Chef Pee Pee nodded and walked back to the kitchen as Junior kept watching TV and eating.

Junior then accidentally knocked the box too cereal over, causing it to spill on the couch.

I already saw it coming, knowing how predictable SML videos are at times.

The camera cuts to Chef Pee going to the couch then seeing the mess Junior has made.

"Junior." Chef Pee Pee said calmly.

The younger one looked up at him.

"Yeah?" Junior replied.

"You spilled the cereal, right?"

"Uh yeah?"

Chef Pee Pee grabs a knife and the scene immediately cuts to Joseph and Cody going to Junior's house.

"Hey Junior!" Cody yells, knocking the door. "It's us, Joseph and Cody."

"Yeah dude, open up!" Joseph yells.

The door opens and it's Chef Pee Pee.

"Hey Chef Pee Pee. Is Junior here?" Cody asks.

"Yeah dude! He invited us to play Super Smash Brothers." Joseph added.

Chef Pee Pee says nothing and just nods.

"He's at the basement. Let me take you there." The Chef says to them.

"I didn't know Junior had a basement." Exclaimed Cody.

"Neither did I dude." Said Joseph, agreeing with him.

The scene cuts to the teens going down to the basement.

It was very dark and all I could hear were their voices.

"Eugh what is that disgusting smell?" Cody complained.

"I know right, dude? It smells like rotten eggs." Agreed Joseph.

"And where's the light?" Cody said, trying to find it.

He eventually found it and turned it on.

As he turned it on, he and Joseph saw Junior's rotting corpse, lying on the ground.

He was covered with spiders and it there was a knife wound on his chest.

The two screamed in fear.

"J-Junior...?" Cody stuttered in utter shock.

"Oh that's it, dude! I'm out of here!" Joseph yells, trying to run up the stairs only to be stopped by Chef Pee Pee.

"Not so fast Joseph." The chef said calmly, pushing him down.

The teen groaned in pain, holding his head.

His hat fell off, exposing his bald head.

Chef Pee Pee grabs a nearby axe and walks down the stairs to where Joseph is at.

"Joseph watch out!" Cody yells at Chef Pee Pee walks towards him.

But it was already too late. The chef chopped the teen's head off clean, leaving the other teen shocked.

Now Cody is the only one alive.

He tried to make a run for it, but was stopped by Chef Pee Pee when he grabbed his arm. Then the screen immediately cuts to black.

The scene came back on and shows Chef Pee Pee cooking something as if nothing happened.

There was a big pot on the stove.

If you look closely, you can see the body parts of the three boys in the pot.

Such as Cody's arm, Joseph's head, and Junior's leg.

"Marvin, Bowser, Jeffy! Your food is ready!" Yelled the chef.

"Finally I'm fucking starving." Jeffy said, taking a seat in the kitchen.

The other two sat down as well.

The food was spaghetti which was made out of, you guessed it, dead teenagers.

Marvin grabbed a fork and started slurping the food.

"Wow! Chef Pee Pee. This is really good." Marvin complimented, with some food in his mouth.

"I'm glad you liked it, Marvin." Thanked Chef Pee Pee.

The screen cuts to the usual "SML Question" scene

The question was "What have you done to get you in trouble?"

"What the hell did I just watch?" I say.

The video was very odd. I wasn't really that shocked since Logan has shown gore in the past, but I was weirded out.

I then clicked on the comments, wanting to know other people's opinions on it.

A lot of people in the comments talked about how much the video scared them.

I then clicked off the comments due to bordem and watched other SML videos.

SML Movie: The BodyWhere stories live. Discover now