chat room 10

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private chat ------> hirofumi & (y/n)


were u sent out to defeat the mannequin devil today


yes, i was

i thought you would have been too

seeing as its the weekend and all



couldn't get outta bed today

so i rejected the summons


is something wrong?

are you hurt?

do you need anything?


oh no its nothing like that

the easiest way to explain it is

im sad


occupational hazard or...?


bad brain

killing devils doesn't help lol

but its one of the few things im good at

and it makes money


is there anything i can do to help?


tell me a story?


a week ago, i talked with denji over tea

about protecting his secret identity and all that

i told him he could order whatever he wanted, on my card

he certainly ordered a decent amount of food

(he spent almost a minute alone trying to pronounce caramel)

near the end, the cake he ordered arrived

and i told him i wouldn't give him a fork unless he agreed to my terms

instead, denji went and ate the cake with his hands

it was... a little disturbing to be honest


good good

more please


the other day at the supermarket

a young woman began following me around

and grabbing the same snacks and food i was

it was borderline stalking, tbh


ha ha like u do with denji


i have denji's best interests in heart

and i would never stoop to eating a crushed back of potato chips

or a popsicle that had fallen on the ground


i did my shopping without bothering myself with her

only before i was going to leave, she came up to me and asked for my number

i gave her kishibe's number instead :)



uncle kishibe's gonna kill u for that


he hunted me for two days straight after that

i would have let her down gently if she hadn't been acting so creepy


i pity all those girls who ask u out on a daily basis at school


i'd like to think there is at least one out there who'd i'd accept


good luck finding 'em

but thanks for making me feel better

i really appreciate it


anytime, (y/n)-san :)

get off your high horse!; hirofumi yoshidaWhere stories live. Discover now