The Start

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C.Kat's POV
I was walking around with my friends and we were saying stuff and things when I saw Bugzy. I really didn't want to see him,since he had friend zoned me 6 years ago (we are 16 now). Beans saw him and did a weird face. Potato spoke,"It's the guy who broke C.Kat's heart and I'm gonna throw a Potato at him." Beans also got a can of Beans and handed them to Potato, who put them in a random slingshot and released it at Bugzy. "Good shot! I'm gonna go scratch his face, you coming, C.Kat?" My best friend,VampyCat told me. "Ya. I'm coming. Where's Senpai?" I asked,tilting my head slightly. "You here!"she called,on Annie Unicorn's back, tickling Panda's nose with her tale. "Who wants to beat up my jerky excrush?" I asked. They all walked towards Bugzy, who came up to me. "C.Kat! Your So beautiful, marry me?"he asked. I fumed nearly ready to claw his face off. Beans looked at him and shook his head. "No. You broke my heart,and I can Never be with you,"I said and began to cry my fake cry. I had black tears running down my face and I ran away.
Beans's POV
C.Kat did her fake cry and ran away. "You took her from me," Bugzy said in a hurt tone. "No. You hurt my best friend,So Potato threw stuff at you,"I replied. And C.Kat said he was smart. "Hey!! Don't rat me out! You banana!!!" Potato yelled at me and slapped my face,hard. "Ooowww! Again!!?? You've slapped me 7 times today!" I yelled at her. "I will start an apocalypse and get C.Kat!!"yelled Bugzy. Dang. He is getting really annoying!!!! I hope he's just bluffing.
Hey my Chicas!! These are actually real people! VampyCat is @GliztStar. Potato is Worngillzilla .Sempai is @ForkWolf and That's pretty much it. These are they're fake names and Beans does not actually like me (even though that would be korvamaxsprva!) So Please comment your thoughts and vote!

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