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"What did you just say!?"

Chisaki "Overhaul" Kai. A previously notorious villain with a powerful quirk. After losing his arms and quirk with them, he sought after restoring what he can. Although, there is one thing he can never restore as he longed to do. That is his adoptive father. The only one to truly understand him.

After being broken out of prison, the remainder of the Eight Precepts were able to avoid being arrested and soon meet their boss again. Overhaul eventually pulls as much of his gang back together as he can. With right-hand man and his other minions, he soon climbs to the top of yakuza groups again without high recognition from heroes yet.


Todoroki "Endeavor" Enji. The current number one hero. He barely shined a light next to All Might. Of course, he has his fans and inspired some people. But his soon regrettable actions were rooted from how he felt, no, knew he would never be better or even as good as his rival.

As the number one hero, he keeps a careful eye out for potential dangers to grow. Such as shady actions, underground gangs, possibly powerful yakuza groups, etc..

Endeavor knew of the Shie Hassaikai yakuza group after it had been first infiltrated. But he never batted an eye at the possiblity of them ever regrouping. That is, until there is a little run in between the two...


"What did you just say!?"

Mimic barked at the drowsy boy who was covering his ears. Hase Fumio is a young adult that dropped out of highschool and took up a life in drug dealing like his father. When he joined the Shie Hassaikai, he was assigned to work under Mimic. He had just told his supervisor that a hero may or may not have followed him to one of their bases.

Mimic continued to lecture him while Hase rethought his life decisions. He didn't think much of it since he had taken a scenic route and the hero might've stopped following. He just hoped it was the case. Mimic checked the cameras and questioned the guards at the entrance. There was no trace of anyone besides Hase coming near their base.

Although Mimic was fuming, he simply grumbled at Hase to be more cautious and to never let an incident like this occur once more.

Hase huffed a sigh of relief and began heading to his station. As he trudged down the hall, he heard a tiny tap at the front entrance. Before he could turn back around, an explosion completely obliterated the door.

First Chapter: girl bye it's almost been a year

AN: I won't update everyday all the time, this time is only because this is just a prologue. (Edit: no shit Sherlock.)

𝘾𝜶𝒖𝒕𝚎𝒓ⅈ𝑧𝚎 (𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓱𝓪𝓾𝓵 𝔁 𝓔𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻)Where stories live. Discover now