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Chapter 1 - December 26th 2022

7:35 Christmas morning was when it all began. I had just moved to my own apartment all on my own for the first time in this lifetime, my family live about 30-45 minutes away from me and my friends, more specifically my best friend lived 10-15 minutes away from me. My plan was to go over to my best friends house for about an hour or two then go to my family's house around 10:30 because I knew my family was hung over from last night and wouldn't be up and opening presents till around 10-11:30. I had arrived at my best friend's house around 8:45, I remember little but what I do remember was opening presents, I had given her a teddy bear to match the one she had given me when we were little, a game, a candle, and I think some clothes? I'm not quite sure... from what I can remember the presents she gave me was clothes, makeup, a knife, and a Kimetsu no Yaiba Yandere Simulator I remember that for sure, that's what got me here. After awhile I left to my family's house opened presents and went home, my memories are hazy all I can seem to remember are times and the basics of my day, what is clear as day though is when I got home. I put all my presents away and put the CD to my new game, Kimetsu no Yaiba Yandere Simulator, I played for 3 hours from 6:23 to 9:13, when I got off the game I didn't close my computer, I think that's why I got here, I just got up did my night routine and went to bed. 9:27. When I opened my eyes my room looked...different...completely different... my f/c bed sheets where now dark and light brown, my room had a brown hue all around I wanted to freak out but I tried to remain calm because freaking out would get me nowhere, I look seeing I wasn't restraind which was good. I looked around and saw a desk with my computer opened with the yandere simulator title page opened, I get out of the bed walking up to the computer, I stand there trying to exit the game so I can try and email someone to help me but it simply wouldn't close. That's when I saw it. Words being typed out on the now black screen.

Hello, my name is nigal I created the Kimetsu no Yaiba Yandere Simulator. I have placed your soul in the body of the main character of the game. Back at home your body is in a coma which you most likely never wake up from unless you complete the game. Once you have finished reading click the space bar


When you arrive your mind might not remember everything from the day before and almost nothing form anything before that. It might be best if you write down what you do remember from the day before, when you do things I wil put some back story so it makes sense, good luck.

That's what lead to this point. I had walked out of my room and around the house. When I entered to kitchen I saw a note on the fridge

"Hey pumpkin
I'm sorry I have to leave so early, my business trip was rescheduled so I had to leave earlier I will be gone for a few months, I will send you money and have some friends check up on you
Love mom"


fter I read the note something popped up in front of me, it read

Your single mom works at a business that requires her to travel a lot leaving you at home alone a lot, your father died in a car crash when you were 6, you and your mom moved to Japan because of her job opening a new location there and desperately need staff, you go to Kimetsu no Yaiba High School and your first day is today, I stopped time for you to read this and time will stop for 10 minute for you to process all that is happening.

Wow that was a lot, I am so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes English is not my first language, If you see any Grammer or spelling mistakes please comment and let me know.

Love author ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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