hell hole

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i step out and every body stares i get weird looks . ppl start wispering about me bc im human in a all wolf school.

i got scared i ran into this girl. she was hot and i mean it  hey! watch it she says.

im so sorry than i relize shes a alpha i run immediately.

ari P.O.V

holy shit she was hot stopthat ira snap out of it. shit im lost um can u help me to my class pls. i ask someone he growels.  the hot chick from earely comes over and growels back.

 omg i just need help and i walk away. good i found my class i put my hood up bc of the stares  im getting more look behind me i here a male voice excusse me ur in my spot. 

i look up uhm sorry but i dont see ur name on it. exusse me u are exussed bc dat fart stinks. DAM CHIL TINY i here the hot chick say i get thrown to the grownd me being me i grabed the chiar and flip it.

EVERYBODY STOP i hear her say go sit back down alex she says. and she moves up here with me. can u not make a scene everywhere u go she wispers. mumbels i can...

im kaia by the way she wispers agian im akria i wisper back. are u bleeding she wispers without looking at me. i stay quiet so u are she wispers.

n-no i wispers back as the teacher scolds us on math.1 i can tell when ppl 2 i can smell it and 3 where is it coming from? she wispers ............. i stay quiet. 

                                                                             skip ta lunch

kaia comes over after class hey she says can i sit here i shake my head im going to the bathroom i say. i walk out with my bag to the restrume.

kaia's P.O.V

weird ima follow her i see her go in a big stall i see her drop a knife i automatically smell blood. akria come out... i say softally she almost yelled. why she asks as i can here her grunt in pain im coming in in 3 2 1 i crawl in to the stall to see a bunch of blood on her writs... 

why i say shes stays quiet i grab bandages and wrap her arms and we leave 

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