Chapter 4

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Nesuto and Neshia were freshly cleaned and nicely dressed "It feels weird wearing these clothes and shoes." Nesuto spoke up as Neshia nodded as she looked at herself in the mirror. 'I never worn anything like this before...mother and the maids gave us rags and dirty clothes.' Neshia thought to herself.

The twins just felt weird in the clothes as Nesuto even looked at himself in the mirror. 'Looks weird on me but at least we don't have to see mother and the maids again.' Nesuto thought to himself.

The maids and servants were whispering in the corner as Nesuto looked away and covered his right eye that was a cerulean like Ares and his left was red like Neshia and their mother. Back at the old place Nesuto was always called the devil for having two different color eyes.

I hated how I was born with two different color eyes but I'm glad it's me and not Neshia, so she doesn't have to suffer. I don't want her being called the devil or a monster or a demon, I don't want anyone to call her those words. Even so I hate when they talk about me being a devil, it's not my fault that I was born with two different color eyes.

But anyways right now they are worried about seeing the emperor, their father who left them to their insane mother. "Allow us to go to the dining room." Elizabeth tells the twins as they followed her nervously to the dining room where their father is waiting for them.

Every step became louder to them, they were so nervous. "We are here. Do not look like fools like yesterday." Elizabeth told them with a glare as the twins looked away. 'It's not our fault that we acted like fools...Nesuto didn't feel well.' Neshia thought to herself. One of the guards opened the door and Elizabeth stepped aside to let the twins walk in.

Nesuto and Neshia eyes widen in fear as they saw one of the maids that abused them, Ares the emperor looked at who the twins were looking at. "This is the maid that came to let me know about you two and about Herica death." Ares told his children.

But Ares noticed the twins shaking in fear and that the maid looked nervous and scared about something. "Nesuto, Neshia. Tell me why you look frighten to see this maid?" Ares asked them as he glanced at the maid.

The twins didn't want to be taken care of by that maid or any of the maids from their old home. "P-Please don't leave us in her care or the others again..." Neshia tells the emperor as Nesuto hugged her. "N-No more suffering for us...p-please..." Nesuto begged the emperor their father.

Suddenly the maid was forced to the ground "AHHHH!" She screamed as she didn't know what to do at all. "Anna Lowler, you told me you have taken great care of Neshia and Nesuto. If that is true, then why are they frighten of you and the other maids?" He asked the maid known as Anna.

Anna was afraid of what the emperor might do to her "What have you and the others been doing to my children?" He asked another question. Anna gulped as she spoke "I-I am sorry my majesty...p-please forgive us..." Ares narrowed his eyes "You dare lie to me. Take her and lock her up along with the others until further notice." Ares ordered the guards. "Yes sir!"

With that the maid Anna and the other maids was taken, the emperor took a sip of his tea "Please take a seat and enjoy your meal." He told them as the twins were lifted up to their seats and they saw all the delicious food.

The twins mouth drooled at seeing the food 'Its smells so good, doesn't it?' Nesuto asked Neshia through his mind. Neshia nodded as she was staring at the food 'Yes, I wanna eat now.' Neshia answered her twin.

Nesuto was the first to take a bite to make sure the food wasn't poisoned. He put a thumbs up while chewing his food, Neshia smiled as she too took a bite of the food.

Ares smiled at them a little "Now than, the room that you woke up in will be your new room that you both will sleep in. Starting tomorrow Elizabeth will help you with how to act like a royal and I have hired tutors to teach you everything." Ares told the twins.

Both Neshia and Nesuto eyes slightly widen at hearing this 'A new clean room for us...' Neshia thought to herself and the emperor noticed that the kids were shocked in silence.

'If they reacted frightened to the maids then they must not have had a great life in that castle with Herica and all the staff there.' Ares thought to himself as he spoke up "You'll have warm food and clean clothes from now on."

Hearing those words made me want to cry but I can't cry because I don't know the man at all. What if he treats me and Neshia badly? What if everyone treats us badly? After all were just illegitimate children that were a mistake to be brought into this world. We can't trust him or anyone here.

The emperor knew that they were on their guard, that they were worried that they might get hurt again. Ares sighed quietly and spoke up again "The princes wanted to meet you two, but they have some matters to attend to."

That got their attention "They wanted to meet us?" Nesuto asked as the emperor nodded as he took another sip of his tea. "One of them might stop by to meet you two." He told his children.

His majesty glanced at Nesuto "Why do you cover your right eye?" He asked the little boy as he flinched, Neshia hugged Nesuto. "He has two different color eyes..." Neshia answered the emperor for Nesuto.

"Different colors?"

Nesuto nodded as he spoke now "Back at the other castle, the maids called me a demon and other names because of my eye colors. So, I try to hide it as best as I can." Nesuto explained to his father.

The emperor set his cup down "You don't need to hide it anymore. No one here will judge you or talk badly about you here because you are a part of the royal family." He told them as Nesuto glanced at Elizabeth and the other staff.

Of course, they flinched at his glance and at the majesty words. They knew what the meaning behind Nesuto eyes 'You're lucky I didn't say anything about you all being mean and talking about my eyes.' Those were the words behind his eyes.

Nesuto moved his bangs away from his right eye, the emperor smiled a little at seeing his eye. "Having two different colors is nothing to be ashamed of, it is rare for someone to have them. They look beautiful Nesuto." Ares tells his son, that made Nesuto embarrassed. "T-Thank you..." Nesuto thanked their father.

The three finished eating as the emperor needed to finish some work up while the twins go back to their room and play or something. The twins wanted to be left alone in their new room, the maids and butlers left them to themselves. Elizabeth made sure there we're guards outside their room to keep watch.

"I wonder how different everything in our lives will be from now on?" Neshia asked her twin brother, Nesuto hugged his pillow. "A lot. The emperor is getting us tutors and having Elizabeth teach us how to be royals." Nesuto says as he sighs at this.

We're just going to have to see how life will be in the castle for us. I do wonder what our half-brothers are like, and do they accept us into their family? Well, we're just going to have to see once we meet them.

To Be Continued

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