>Chapter 1<

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"Oy Baron. Where's the cake that I told you to get?" Muta said, furiously. The Baron, Humbert van Gikkingen. Was laying down on the couch. "I apologize Muta. I will get it now." He stood up. "Hey wait, what were you thinking about so much that you forgot about my cake?" Muta stopped him.

"It is about Haru." Baron said. "Oh? What's wrong? Got a problem with her?" Muta asked. "Pardon? Oh no, no." Baron quickly shook his head and waved his hands in front of Muta, obviously saying no. "Then? What is it?"

Baron just sighed and sat back down. Muta raised an eyebrow. "How would I know what's going on with you without telling me what's going on with you?" Muta said, clearly getting pissed. "Okay, I am interested in Haru." Said the Baron. Toto popped out of nowhere and pilut on of his wings around the Baron's shoulders. "Wow my sweet Baron friend, you found an interest? A love interest?" Toto asked.

The Baron pushed the wing away. "Get off. I wanna see her." Baron said to the two. "Then go see her." Muta said with a smug face. "Alright, fine." Baron said as he took his coat and his cane.

He went out and immediately tried to find Haru. It was noon and he had to be careful so no one would see or avoid getting any attention. He then saw Haru's friend. Hiromi. He wanted to ask her but he stopped himself because Hiromi probably doesn't know that Haru has a friend, that is a cat, figure. He then heard. "Have you guys seen Haru? I have been trying to visit her at her house but she is not there. Her mother is also worried." Said Hiromi, who was having a phone call.

The Baroon then felt like he needed to go to the Cat Kingdom. He quickly went back to the office and saw Muta and Toto fighting again. "Guys, we ned to go back to the Cat Kingdom. I think Haru is there and she's probably in trouble." The Baron commanded. "Woah. Okay." Muta said worriedly.

The three then saw a small spark of light outside, they checked it out. It became a portal, then came the Prince Lune and his bride, Yuki. "Baron Humbert van Gikkingen. We need your help! Haru has been captured and father is out of his mind! You must help us, he is still trying to make Haru his bride." Said Prince Lune. Baron is now furious. He needs to get Haru out of that castle. His Haru.

To be Continued...

Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that the original author of this Fanfiction is IPutTheRInRandom. Amd they gave me permission to continue the story. But I added my own twist to it.

The link of the photo in this chapter is : https://pin.it/66xRxPL

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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