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Endless again, Chapter One

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Endless again, Chapter One

A/N: This first chapter is just an introduction to (Y/n), Damian and Jon make a short appearance but it's mostly a setup for the rest of the story, feedback is welcome and I hope you enjoy it!

TW'S: death (no main characters), canon typical violence

All you wanted was one normal year.

One painfully mundane year where someone wasn't trying to murder you for no reason.

It's all you asked from the universe when you looked up at the stars, anytime you saw one shoot across the dark sky you made sure to make a wish.

It was rare for the twinkling lights to peak through the heavy clouds.

Considering just how insane the past few months have been, you figured you'd long since earned a break.

Gotham was only ever quiet when she wanted to be, one thing you could count on was how the untameable city never truly felt as peaceful as it did in the earliest hours of the morning, the sun having yet to kiss the sky, even criminals got cold, well most of them anyway.

A light blanket of gray covered the brooding city like a hug, its familiar haze brought a warm blossom of comfort to spread out through your chest, it always looked like it was just about to rain, seasoned gothamites could tell if you needed to bother with an umbrella just by the smell in the air.

Your elderly neighbor Edna had told to that one night you'd gone to keep her company, she said she could smell the rain before a drop hit the ground.

Another thing you loved about your city was the constant skin-biting cold wind, it was especially apparent whenever you found yourself outside at this hour, the breeze a welcome sting, no matter how often you went inside shivering, you felt the serenity was well worth it.

You, your Mother Grace, and her older son Peter, all lived in this cozy little apartment in the upper east end of Gotham.

The floor you three lived on was just below the roof, all you had to do to get up there was pop open the triangular window in your room, the landlord had tried in vain to seal it shut with layer after layer of paint, the ledge was so easy to scale, it almost felt like an invitation.

Heights had never bothered you, in fact being up so high you could see the dark waters of Gotham Bay crashing against the docks from where you stood, it made you feel oddly centered, leaning comfortably against the chain link fence, fingers looped through the holes, the metal was quite cold against the heat of your palms, tired (e/c) eyes watched as your breath fanned out in clouds before you.

You didn't know when you'd get the chance to be up here again, so you allowed yourself to take in all the wonderful sights and sounds.

Your neighbor in 4B was walking her dog in the yard, kicking snow over the mess the Yorkie made instead of picking it up, then there was 4D, the sad-looking man always trudged his way to where you could only assume was work, he made sure to pause in his commute if he saw you out, his halfhearted wave was always returned with one of your own.

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