Apple-less (story #1)

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It was a few weeks before Harith tumbled out of the mystical rock, his face smothered with mud and his once pristine clothes tattered.

Alas, the destiny he had hoped to find was more elusive than he thought.

Staggering away from the rock, his aching feet screamed for respite. He made his way towards the stone wall surrounding the rock, before allowing himself to tumble down beside it, using it as a backrest.

Damn, the books he read on time travelling were an absolute hoax.

He closed his eyes, taking a moment to breathe in the cool morning breeze. How long has it been? Long enough for the other lightborn knights to realise his disappearance, that's for sure. Alucard must be frantically searching for him now. He chucked at that thought.
Having finally tasted his freedom, he wasn't going back into a cage.
His split second journey over a few hundred years had left his slightly dizzied and aching, but otherwise, he was fine. He would leave through the rock again soon.

At least for now, Harith had discovered that the pink leonin girl was ridiculously bad at keeping hidden.

"Come out, I can see you, yknow."
Letting out a noise akin to a squeak, the leonin girl sheepishly slipped out of the shadows. Abandoning her attempt at hiding.
She had changed her Victorian-esque outfit for a plainer set of orange overalls, but she looked the same otherwise.

"You... you look like shit."
She started slowly, eyes carefully examining Hadith's condition.

"Blunt much?"
Harith's smile hid a hint of amusement. While the corners of her eyes crinkled.
She gestured vaguely towards his tattered clothes and bruises,
"So, how did you get those?"
"Cadia river lands, you should've asked me when"
Harith's eyes travelled up her face, watching the corners of her mouth lift up further.
"Well, when did you get it?"
"18th century Cadia river lands"
"And how did you get that?"
She nodded towards the bruises lining his cheek.
Harith's fingers hovered over them, wincing slightly at the stinging pain.
"Apparently the people do not take too well to strangers."
The crinkles at the corners of her eyes disappeared.
His story must've sounded grand to the pink leonin, but in reality it was filled with men screaming in unknown languages and the food there violently disagreeing with his stomach.
Pushing his sore body off the ground, he stumbled off the ground.
"Well then, I'll get going, see you around soon?"
Harith assumed she was here for another of of those "visits" but he wouldn't mind seeing her again.
"That soon?"
The worry in her voice betrayed her calm exterior.
"No, I'm not time travelling again now, I've got to let myself recover for now." Maybe he could swing past a fast food restaurant and finally get a proper meal.
" Wait" fumbling around in her pocket, she pulled out a silvery packet,"Here, have some."

Harith felt his heart flutter at her sudden offer.

He grabbed the silvery packet, grinning ruefully at the leonin girl in front of him.

"Thank you, Ms..."
"Nana, call me Nana."
"Thank you, Nana."

Author here, I rlly should write longer chapters.

Someone in time (HarithNa one shots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora