Chapter 15 - Strictly Contractual

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Joe Quinn's management team will be under fake names for the purposes of this story. 


For five minutes, I've been staring at the girl in the mirror in her strapless dress of deep emerald. Her ears are also glistening, lined with three silver pieces from her helix down to the lower part of her lobe. Her syrup-brown ponytail complements her bold lipstick and angular cheekbones. 

'God, you're vain,' Joe teases, joining my side in his three-piece ebony suit and green tie to match me. His curls have been tamed with gel, and his beard creeps down to the base of his chin. I watch his eyes travel down the length of my dress in my reflection and back up to meet my eyes. 'Got every right to be though. Damn.'

'Stop it, you,' I say, trying to resist a smile. 'That outfit looks great on you, too.'

'You'll be staring at it all night, so you're welcome,' he says with a smug grin.

'Are you sure you want to come with me tonight? I know you also have to pack the rest of your stuff for Paris tomorrow...'

'Please stop worrying, if I didn't want to, I wouldn't be here,' he says, sucking in his lips. 'Relax and enjoy yourself.'

'I'll try.'

'Do you have everything ready, PR girlfriend?'

'Yes,' I say. 'Tanisha, what's your ETA?'

'I'm... done.' She appears at the edge of the bathroom, beaming at me. She's wearing a yellow minidress, and her dark eyes are accentuated by her golden eyelids. 

'Okay then, perfect.' Victoria appears from Joe's living room, snapping the lid of translucent powder shut before dumping it into her open purse. 'Just warning you both, we may have organised some paparazzi to be out the front in preparation. Let's go!'

Joe opens his apartment door and the three of us step into the corridor. The elevator ride feels fast, as does the trip outside to the black limousine waiting for us out the front. Like Victoria said, people in all black with their professional cameras are accumulating on the sidewalk in swathes. The constant flashing is giving me a slight headache. Led by a clean-shaven gentleman also dressed in all black, I climb into the vehicle first, followed by Joe, then Tanisha and Victoria.

'Champagne anyone?' Victoria asks, taking her seat at the back and reaching for the trembling bottles nestled in ice along the walls of the limousine.

'Yes please!' Tanisha accepts one of the bottles from Victoria and pours herself a plastic champagne flute. 'Adira?'

'I'll join you, thank you,' I say. She hands me another flute, which I hold up to my lips. The bubbly liquid sizzles on my tongue and I grimace. 

'Not a champagne drinker?' Joe asks, noticing my reaction as he sips from his own flute. 

'Not usually,' I reply. 'But if I'm facing Amber tonight, I need all the help I can get.'

Joe laughs. 'And I thought I was an overthinker.'

In the time it takes the limousine to arrive at our destination, I have downed two champagnes. The door opens and Tanisha is the first to step out onto the dark carpet, beckoning for me to follow her. People with professional cameras begin flashing the moment I exit the vehicle and I have to squint to maintain my vision. Water stings the corner of my eyes as I blink away the flash. I grab hold of Tanisha's arm as she leads me into the main building. 

'Joe will be close behind,' she whispers. 

Before I can comprehend what's happening, Tanisha and I are walking through corridors packed with attendees in elaborate dresses and suits with fancy accessories. Pinstripe appears to be a popular choice, as well as bespoke mesh hats and chunky jewels adorning necks of some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Joe rejoins us moments later with Victoria in tow, who starts chatting with Tanisha as we collectively walk towards the main stage area. Joe adjusts his pace to keep up with me, gliding his hand over to my side and interlocking his fingers with mine. 

It's Contractual - a Joseph Quinn FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now