The Apex Theory

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Before the sun rose, Avery was getting ready for her first day of class. She dreamed of attending the university all her life. Her father was an alumni, and his father, and his father too! She felt it was only right to assume the tradition, despite her mother urging her to go in a different direction.

"That's too far from home, Ave, you won't know a soul," her mother spouted right after receiving her acceptance letter. However, the long-distance was what thrilled her. It was going to be like visiting a foreign country, where no one knew her name. She could be anyone she wanted to, if she desired. Therefore, she was able to happily kiss her parents farewell and promised she would see them on her first break.

Avery marveled at her university; it matched the pictures: grand, brick, and pristine—despite being built in 1884. The courtyard was immense. The trees were beginning to color, and the orange leaves were a beautiful hue that complemented the building. Avery felt as though she were in a storybook.

She ascended the stairs, squeezing between people coming and going. "Excuse me, excuse me," she whispered politely but others weren't as kind.

Avery studied the schedule she saved on her phone. The halls were a labyrinth and she swore she had passed room 252 four times although having never made a turn. She sighed out of exasperation. The arrows didn't make sense and after having met several dead ends, Avery was beginning to panic.

Instantly, she decided she'd turn back to find the entrance, and ask the groups of people loitering in the courtyard. Brilliant! Surely she'd find a guide. She quickly turned to walk the way she came when, smack! Books clamored onto the tiled floors. Pens and pencils scattered. Before Avery could glance at who she bumped into, she dropped to the floor to pick up the items and uttered repetitive apologies.

"I can't blame you. I wasn't watching where I was going."

Avery slowly peeked at the person kneeling in front of her as she collected their belongings. When the two rose, her breath was caught in her throat. The man before her had a youthful face, however, his hair was peppered gray. Ageless, yet he dressed as if he were twenty years her senior. Still, it didn't take away from his austere beauty.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked.

Avery, feeling suddenly embarrassed by her shyness, quickly replied, "Yes, I'm lost actually." Awkward laughter escaped her lips. "Where's room 243D?"

His eyes narrowed. "Honors Evolution?"

"That's the one," she smirked.

A smile stretched across his lips. "Well, right this way."

Avery followed behind. When they reached two large robust doors, she paused. But continued forward.

"First year?"

"Yes," she replied meekly.

"Who gave you the recommendation?"

"Dr. Harrow, my mentor, spoke to the director. I would like to major in Human Evolutionary Biology. I'm fascinated by the sciences but nothing holds my heart the way evolution does. One day, I'd like to make a life-altering discovery..." Avery, suddenly aware of her babbling fell quiet.

"Aha..." he took a glance over his shoulder at the petite woman. "A true scientist in the making. You must be the real deal if the director gave you the pass. Freshmen aren't allowed in this course."

Avery smirked. "My mentor informed me... he also said that in all his years of teaching, he never met a mind as brilliant as mine."

He chuckled. "A resounding compliment."

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