A Brand New Start

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Being pro hunters had taken away any resemblance to a normal teenage experience. Killua's whole existence was to become an assassin. He didn't even get to have a childhood. Somehow he had met his best friend friend Gon and the rest was history. 

Killua and Gon sat at the edge of a cliff as the sun set. Killua couldn't help but think that maybe things would be different, maybe he could be a normal 16 year old.  

"Hey Gon?" Killua asked in almost a wisper. Gon turned his head with that goofy grin of his. "What's up?" Killua sighed. "What are we going to do next?" 

Gon put his finger up, "Hey lets find a job with the Hunter Association!" Killua frowned. "Is everything all right Killua?" 

"I just thought that maybe we could be normal for once..." 

Gon reached out to feel Killua's forehead. "Uh-are you feeling alright? I don't think you've ever said those words before." 

Killua whipped around, "Don't get all mushy on me alright?!?! Just forget it ok!" 

Gon chuckled. "Lets settle this with rock paper scissors. Winner gets to choose what we do next."

"Rock...paper... scissors!" Two hands whip out at lightning speed. Killua's fist crushes Gon's two fingers. 

"Well I guess we'll try being normal for a while... how about six months?" Gon asked. 

Killua nodded. "After that I think it would get boring. I was thinking, lets go somewhere we haven't gone before. And the only condition is no using Nen." 

"Sounds like a deal!"

Sitting on a cliff staring out into the sunset, these two boys were about to embark on a new adventure. Killua, for the first time was going to try and be a normal teenage boy. I mean those two can do anything right? How hard can being normal really be? 

Your Average Teenage Assassin (HunterxHunter)Where stories live. Discover now