Chapter 2 - Explanation

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A/N: Yay! Chapter two! This chapter is medium-sized, I hope you guys like it! :) Yeah, I don't know exactly when I'll be updating, because personal crap keeps getting in the way, but I promise I won't drop this story. Basically in this chapter, Tamaki goes home (finally) and this is them moving out. So with that, enjoy!


What do you mean 'COMA'? I wrote furiously.

"You know what we mean, a coma - as in cationic, unconscious, dead-to-the-world," Hikaru deadpanned. "We thought you left us, Tono."

Kaoru elbowed him, shaking his head.

"Way to be smooth Hikaru," Haruhi muttered.

But it's okay now, right? I'm awake, I'm better now? I scribbled.

"We don't know," Mori shrugged.

"Yeah, the doctor-man said that you weren't suppose to wake up for awhile. We were all worried something even worse would happen. Your dad-" But Honey-senpai stopped and looked away.

I don't care what he did, tell me everything I missed. I wrote with an eye roll.

Honey-senpai giggled and scooted closer before going into very detailed descriptions of what scandals were happening with the nurses, the schoolwork I need to catch up on (oh SHOOT I missed so much school), and what I had missed while in a 'coma'. Hikaru and Kaoru would interject information when they deemed in necessary, and Haruhi would scold them now and again when they made dirty jokes. Mori would nod along, keeping one eye on the door and one eye on the Hosts. Kyoya had stepped outside to inform the doctors that I had awoken.

"Kaoru has a girlfriend!" Hikaru sang. "Kaoru has a girlfriend!"

Is it Misani? 

Kaoru blushed, "Umm.... No. It's uhh... umm.... It's Renge actually."

Ha! I wrote, Kyoya owes me 400 yen.

"Why is tha-" Kaoru was cut off by Kyoya walking in the room, closely followed by Dr. Yagari.

"Well well well, It seems our Sleeping Beauty finally woke up? Anyway, you're all set," Dr. Yagari walked around, checking my vitals and doing things to the tubes connected to me.

"What do you mean, 'All set?'" Haruhi asked.

"Mr. Suoh's father had it all arranged. We will bring your breathalyzer, I.V. Drip, heart scanner, kemoathalizer, and morphine drip all to your house. I'm sorry to give you the boot here, but this room is needed for a car-crash victim, and your father so kindly offered..."

It's fine, I'm okay with leaving I wrote. I would be fine... on my own... like usual.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, Mr. Suoh. I bet the woman from the car-crash will be grateful as well." Dr. Yagari nodded, before helping another nurse pack away the equipment that would be sent to my house.

The others were also making plans about staying at my house, and that shocked me.

Are you guys seriously coming? I assumed that by now you guys'd get tired of me. Seriously, I'll be fine if you left

"Tamaki, the last time we left you alone, you got shot," Mori-senpai remarked.

You are positive you'll be okay with this? I wrote after a moment of thought.

"Someone has to make sure the equipment's working" Kyoya shrugged.

"And Tono has enough guest-rooms -" "- for us to sleep soundly," The twins added together.

"Plus, we need to keep an eye on Tama-chan and feed him lots of cake," Honey-senpai added with a grin, patting him on the head, "And he get's all the strawberries, okay?" The other Hosts chuckled and nodded.

"Don't you worry Tamaki," Haruhi winked. "You can't get rid of us that easily."

I was touched. Really I was. But I didn't want them to come. That meant they'd have to take care of me; they'd see how empty my house was, how I'm always alone, how my dad is the spawn of satan - no, satan himself, and even how hurt I've become now. I'd be a burden, another chore, just like how I always was back then. But another thought struck me.

They'd see my eyes. Both of them.

"I know what you're thinking, and there is no way in the entirety of everything that you'd convince us not to stay with you Tamaki. You're not strong enough to be alone, and you sure aren't strong enough to face your father. Let us take care of you for a bit, dummy," Kyoya whispered, leaving no room for argument. "Plus, your dad left for two weeks, so you'll have a little bit to get....adjusted to everything."

I give up. I sighed loudly through my nose, before nodding hesitantly. Kyoya smiled, and went to gather the rest of the Hosts. He said something softly to them, before walking out the room again. The others started to pack up all the trash, blankets, and other assorted stuff they had brought to entertain themselves. I grinned when I saw Mori shuffle a bunch of papers before sticking them in a pocket on the edge of his duffle bag.

Suddenly I couldn't contain my happiness. I was leaving. I would be okay.

But then I remembered all that homework I still had to do, and I would defiantly NOT be okay. Hopefully, in my pitiful state, Kyoya would at least help me with my homework.

And speaking of Kyoya (and NOT homework) I still have those diary entries to read.


A/N: So not as long as I promised but I needed to end it somewhere. Rate, Comment, Vote, do whatever!

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