Chapter 3

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Finishing my makeup, by reapplying my nude pink lipstick and as I slip on my gold sequinned dress, I was having a difficult time trying to zip it up.

I hear a low whistle behind me, "Holy shit, look-" Noah breathed. I turn towards him. He leans against the door, his eyes scanning my body.

"Can you help me zip it?" I say in a soft voice. He nods and walks slowly towards me. I can hear his slow breathing and how his hands ever so slightly touched my back.

Ok, so, Noah and I had an odd relationship in the past, it was sort of a friends with benefits type of deal. Everyone knows that those type of relationships never work out, because one usually starts to develop feelings. Noah started to develop those feelings, but I could never feel the same way. I only felt lust for him and I also trusted him with all my heart. We had stopped talking for several weeks, after he had told me he loved me. I denied him and convinced him that he was just in love with the feeling in being in love. We were 19 at the time, I guess he did feel that way because we soon became friends again like nothing had ever happened. Yes, we fool around sometimes but it's never serious... no strings attached. I'm just not that type of girl to like or fall in love with someone easily, especially if it's one of mine one and only best friend.

"Vi, did you hear me? It's time," Noah looks down at me confused. "Uh, yeah let's go. Let's get this party started," I grin.


Smoke fills the dimmed room, sweaty bodies swaying to the beat of the loud music. Just standing outside, you can feel the music help pump your heart to its beat. The smell of a mixture of unknown drugs teasing you to take them, its pleasure awaiting you.

"I'm glad you guys made it!" the same high pitched voice I heard today. The red head struts towards us, wearing a black low cut dress that clung to her small body smiling at both of us, especially at Noah. "You guys look smoking! Come get a drink!" She pulls us towards her crowded kitchen.

"Listen up! Everyone!" As she try's to get everyone's attention. Majority of the people turn around to our spot. "These are my new friends that just moved from America!" she yelled. "Their names are...wait...what are your names..?" She asked. I realise that she never asked for our names before, "Violet and Noah," "This is Violet and Noah! Welcome them in welcoming arms and take care of them, OKAY?!" Everyone cheers and whistles as if they were replying to her announcement. She hands both of us a red cup and immediately starts to talk to Noah, about who knows what.

I gulp down the remains of the burning alcohol, grabbing another cup and walking away from them. I believe Noah can find me in this crowded place later. Everyone in the room looks like they were in their own state of mind, like they have no worries in the world. The alcohol starts to take control of my body, before long I'm in the middle of the room with bodies around me, swaying my hips with them. I can sense someone's eyes on me, I open them and look around the room. I spot a pair of eyes connecting with mine, the mysterious guy is studying me as I study him back. He turn towards a girl and whispers something in her ear. Before I know it, he is walking towards my direction, not leaving my gaze. My heart begins to beat faster, not able to keep up with the music, I turn my back towards him. Expecting he was walking towards someone else, I feel a hot breath near my neck, and a hand lay on my waist.

I turn around, my eyes meeting the dark pair of eyes that I stared at moments ago. I raise my hands to wrap them in his messy curls, pulling his body closer to mine. I didn't care that I didn't know this stranger but something about his character, captivated me. He lowers his head to speak in my ear, "Why is it that I've never seen you 'round here?" His raspy voice spoke. "Just moved here," I replied. "Ah, you're American. Whats your name, love." "Viola, and yours?" "Harry."


My body hit the hard wall as his lips attached my neck, I moan in pain and pleasure, anticipation fills my impatient mind. My hands wandering his tattooed stomach and struggling to unclasp his belt. His mouth tastes like cherries and cigarettes, he groans as I pull his pants down. He unzips my dress, I feel it drop and hit my ankles.

"Vi? Are you in here?" A voice calls my name outside the room. Harry and I both stop our actions,
"Who's that?" Harry questions. "Its-" The door swings open, Noah stands there with an expression that I can't read. Beside him stood the red head, her face in shock and in awe. Harry pulls his jeans on and walks past them like nothing had happened.

"Its late Viola, let's go," Noah mumbles and helps me put on my dress. We walk out of the room and the red head, which she never told us her name, follows us, "OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WERE JUST MAKING OUT WITH HARRY," she calls loudly.

"Why do you seem so shocked?" I turn towards her, confused. "Of course you don't know why I'm shocked! He's the fittest guy anyone has seen! I'm surprised he even showed up to the party, let alone show any interest in you!" She said. "What is that supposed to mean?" I glare at her.

"Forget about it, Viola. Let's go," Noah pulls my hand. As I walk out of the crowded apartment, I spot Harry in the corner flirting with a brunette and touching her leg. For some reason, I feel this sensation in my heart that I've never felt before.

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