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?: 1999(sighs) I'll never forget that year. It was the year when grisly murders began to occure in the Arklay Mountains,Bravo Team was sent to investigate but they didn't report back.

The sence changes to a huey helicopter flying over the Arklay forest,we then cut to six people four men and two women running from dogs who's flesh is gone and rotten.

?:Little did we know we would encounter horrors thar night the undead and things I had never ever seen in my life time up intel that point but eventually me and the survivors of Alpha and Bravo Team escaped the mansion however the nightmare wouldn't end their.

We cut to see two Stars members a man and women running through the streets of raccoon city firing at the undead

?:as racoon city was also attacked by the undead leaving only a few survivors and ended with the destruction of raccoon city by a nuclear weapon in a attempt to cover up the situation.

?: And with it a new era of bio-terrorism descended upon vulnerable countries, shifting the balance of power throughout the region. People soon feared another incident like Raccoon City was inevitable. As panic spread, governments of the world turned to the Global
Pharmaceutical Consortium, which formed the anti-terrorism unit BSAA.
Operatives of the BSAA were sent to infiltrate and neutralize bioweapon
hotspots, restoring safety and stability to various regions around the globe.though the job is never over as more cases of bio Terroism appear across the globe.

We now cut to both Revan and Altria are currently walking through a hallway in their BSAA gear as Revan carries his sentinel Nine handgun and Altria carrying her 870 shotgun

Star City
September 12,2010
Revan and Altria are currently investigating a possible bio attack on Star City by a small bio Terrorist cell.

Revan:(points to nearby door) All right, this is the one.

Revan and Altria take positions on both sides of the door.

Altria:this shouldn't take very long. What do you say we bag these guys and get some dinner?

Revan:Yeah I could make us something when we get back home.

Altria: Not that I don't like you're cooking but can we eat out today.

Revan:Alright where do you have in mind?

Altria: This new asain place opened up in the city,I was thinking we go their.

Revan:Sounds good.

Revan turns on his flashlight on one hand, with a his sentinel on his other hand, and knocks on the door.

?1:(on the other side of the door)John is that you?Are you back with the food?

Revan nods to Altria who racks her shotgun then in quick succession she shoots the doors hinges then Revan kicks in the door and enters the room with Altria, weapons drawn.In the room are four men sitting around a table who have appeared to have been playing cards.

Revan: BSAA!

Altria: Nobody move!Let me see those hands!

The nen put their hands up

Revan: Stand up now!

The men stand up with their hands in the air.

Revan: Move back and away from the table!

?2: You just knocked on the wrong door.

Revan points his flashlight at each of the four men.

?4: How 'bout we work this out?

DC's Resident Evil (Resident evil ocs x DC/Young justice universe)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang