Kissing is always better with a sherlock holmes debate Keith x Matt

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'I just tried to kill myself' keith thought as he pulled away from the blowing up ship.
'Why did I do that?' He thought, his breath was heavy and his body felt numb
"Keith and Matt get back here, bring Lotor with you" Shiro said over coms.
Keith snapped out of it and pulled his ship into the hangar.

Keith stumbled out of his ship ignoring the pain in his side from a broken rib caused by the sudden stop.
He saw Voltron walking through the doors cheerily towards them.
He heard footsteps running towards him and he turned to see Matt bolting towards him.

Matt crashed into Keith with a hug which the paladin melted into making the others stop in their tracks and Pidge to pull out their camera.

Matt pulled from the hug and pushed Keith back who had no energy to resist or react,
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??!!" Matt screamed making Keith look at his feet
"YOU DONT DO THAT! I WAS TERRIFIED AND ALL I COULD DO WAS WATCH!!" The boy/ rebel yelled tears in his eyes making Keith feel worse.
"I....I'm sorry" the boy whispered in a broken voice, finally the paladins regained composure before running to the two boys, Lotor being held by Shiro.

"What's going on?! What did he do!?" Allura Asked making Matt pause looking at a desperate Keith, with a sigh he shook his head
"It's nothing" he muttered standing next to Keith.

"Nothing?! Keith was about to crash himself into the shield and die if I hadn't came when I did" Lotor cried making everyone pause, Keith looked at the gulran and leapt at him. He grabbed him by the shirt and pinning him to the ship he spat in his face
"You son of a old space worm! I Didn't want them to know!" Keith growled like an animal, his eyes flashing yellow.
"Keith what is he talking about?!" Shiro worried making Keith sigh
"Just what he said. It was the only way and my life is less important than the rebels" he said before walking off leaving a stunned team.

Matt ran after Keith finding him in his room his knees to his chest
"I don't know why I did it!" He cried tears spilling, Matt sat on his bed in front of him placing a hand on his knee
"Your life means everything! You're a paladin! A blade of Marmora! And we all know you're on the highest level of the training ground. You mean everything to" Matt stuttered his face flushing red, Keith looked across at him with red, puffy eyes
"Me? You said me" Keith sniffled his face equally red, Matt rubbed the back of his neck nervously
"Uh no I-I misspoke" Matt said stumbling over his words
"Oh" The paladin sighed visibly disappointed before putting on a fake smile , Matt blushed
"Unless you didn't want me to have misspoke" he coughed out but Keith heard every word, Keith shifted so his legs were crossed making his torso closer, Matt looked at Keith's lips and back up at him
(Gods I hate writing romance but I love this ship and wanna write one for them)

Keith and Matt blushed moving closer, eyes locked. They leaned forward ready to kiss when Matt's arm buckled making him hit his head on the wall
(M) "Ow"
(K) "There's a wall there"
(M) "No shit Sherlock"
(K) "Elementary my dear Watson"
(M) "That's not even in the original book"
(K) "Yeah but it's fun to say"
(M) "But it's not accurate"
(K) "Neither was the trajectory of that kiss but I didn't say anything"
(M) "But you just did"
(K) "Well yeah I did now but I didn't before"
(M) "But this has nothing to do with Sherlock Holmes"
(K) " Would Sherlock miss a kiss and let his arm buckle?"
(M) "Who would he be kissing?!"
(K) "I don't know. Maybe he has a thing for Watson"
(M) "Oh yeah in what universe!?"
(K) "I don't's hinted at in the BBC version"
(M) "No it's not. They just thought the other was gay and had a weird convo about it"
(K) "Who says convo anymore?"
(M) "Me. I just did"
(K) "It's weird. Why not just say conversation?"
(M) "Cuz convo is shorter and faster"
(K) "So it's for lazy, short people?"
(M) "What no!"
(K) "Maybe if they said the full word they'd be less lazy and more tall"
(M) "That's not how it works"
(K) "But that's how it should work"
"Oh just kiss me already" Matt laughed, Keith shrugged and they finally kissed making each other's heart explode with happiness ....then Pidge walked in. Took a picture. And walked out a grin on her face.

Keith and Matt kissed
Lotor is still a crook 
Keith was pissed
Pidge made a kitt fan art book

Mostly Angsty Keith one shots 😈Where stories live. Discover now