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. You go to a school for Autistic secondary school students.

. It's ages are 11-20 years old / year 7 upwards.

. There is a limit of 12 students.

. There are 9 students.

. You have Humanities which is History, geography, re, ethics all together.

. All the members of staff go by their first names.

. They have an on site speech and language therapist

. Ali and Mick created the school together.

. There is equine therapy on a Friday afternoon for anyone who wants to do so.

. On a Friday afternoon, you have free time where you don't have to do school work and can chill with your friends or play games or go for a walk etc.

. Everyone who doesn't stay at school, takes a taxi to school and back home.

. You eat lunch in the kitchen in the house.

. On PE day and Yoga day you can either go into school in your PE kit or get changed into your PE kit when you're at school.


. Andrew has work experience on a Wednesday and college on a Tuesday.



. There are 4 classrooms.
. Each of them are there own buildings.
. One is Connors class room.
. One is class 1.
. One is class 2.
. One is called the music room.

. They is a special room for occupational therapy with a rockclimbing wall, 3 swings ( a pod swing, a sensory swing and a normal swing. ), Sensory mats, excersize balls and more.
. You can access that from care aswell.

. The site is walled off and there is a gate.
. There is a small drive leading upto a small carpark that is fenced and gated off so noone runs into it and gets hurt.



. There is a massive garden.

. It has a mini basketball court.

. It has a big trampoline.

. It has 3 swings.
. One nest swing.
. One normal swing.
. One seat swing.

. There is a big patch of grass / field.
. It has a football goal.

. There is a sensory section to the garden which is fenced and gated off.
. It's split into quarters.
. One corner has pleasing to touch plants.
. One corner has pleasing to look at plants.
. One corner has pleasing to smell plants
. The next corner is where the gate is.

. It has a food area where there is fruit, vegetable and herb plants growing.

. There is a 15 bar monkey bars.

. One corner of the Garden is the outdoor education area with a wildflower are and 2 trees and a campfire and homemade benches and logs.



. There is a building called the house on site.

. It's the home section.

. They have their own special staff.

. River lives there but goes back home on some holidays. ( She joins later on )

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