Entrance Exam

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Now in the present, I'm at the entrance exam.

There are so many students here. I wonder if I'll be able to- No. Stop thinking like that Akia and focus. I need to stay focu-

"Excuse me teacher, the paper shows four robots but you only explained three. And you. If you think you can-" a blue-haird boy started ranting.

"Excuse me mister, the teacher was just about to explain the zero pointer. And leave me alone, I'm trying to rest for the exam!!" I shouted back at him to get him to shut up.

"Thank you little listener. And yes. The forth robot is the zero pointer. As it's said, it worths zero points so try your best to avoid it. It's more of an obstacle." said Present Mic.

"Well I'm sorry for interupting" the bluenette said before sitting down.

"Please head to the area for you to do your written exam" the teacher said.

I got up and left. I was looking for the room where Mr. Aizawa would be, as he's our invidulater for the exam. I entered the room to find him in a sleeping bag. I just ignored him and went to my seat. Everyone then started piling into the room. Sho was glaring at me for no reason.

"Good Morning. I am your invidulater for this exam. You have one hour to complete the exam. If you think you're finish before the time is up, you can hand in your paper and get ready for the practical exam. Anyone who is caught cheating will imediately get zero and won't be able to participate in the practical exam. With that said, you can turn over the paper in front of you and begin your exam." said Mr. Aizawa.

I looked down at the paper that was probably a centimeter thick. This would be easy, because Papa helped me study last night. I turned the paper over. I read through the first question. These are basically common sense questions. If you really wanna be a hero, you should know this.

After the first thirty minutes, I was finish. I took five minutes to look over and then handed in my paper. I walked out of the room, thinking about the practical exam.

A few minutes later, two people walked out of the room giggling. One with yellow hair and a black streak, and the other with red hair. You can see that his original hair colour was black because of his roots.

"Oh, hey! Your the girl who finished the exam first!! How was it?" asked the red-haired one.

"It was alright, tho it was more of common sense questions." I answered.

"Yeah, even I was surprise I finished that fast. I'm Denki Kaminari, what's your name?"

"Oh, it's Akia Todoroki"

"Oh so your the sister Todoroki was talking about. Though I don't believe him 'cause you're way to nice" said Kaminari.

"Let me guess, 'My sister Shoka always take things from me.' right?"

"Yeah...thought you said your name was Akia?" said the red hair faker.

"...it is, but it was Shoka before. What's your name faker?"

"Faker?" he gasped.

"Your hair man. She can see your roots" Kaminari giggled.

"Oh, it's Kirishima. Eijiro Kirishima."

"Alright Eijiro Kirishima and Denki Kaminari" I giggled. "What do you have planned for the practical exam?"

"We were planning on working together. You can join if you want." said Kaminari.

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