Part 2 - Drinks

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"Oh! Hey dude! You showed up, I was just about to leave." Kirishima shouted from under the lamppost where they had planned to meet.

"Shut up, I'm here because you promised me a drink so let's get going already, Shitty Hair." Bakugo growled.

"Aw dude! My hair isn't much different from yours!" The redhead said as he followed the blond towards his favorite bar, the insult didn't seem to bother him much as his cheery attitude was pretty much unfazed. "By the way, I never did get your name."

"Bakugo Katsuki. And you better remember! I'm gonna be the best tattoo artist this world has ever seen!"

"Alright Bakugo! Tattoo artist huh? I've been thinking about getting a tattoo, but as a florist, it probably wouldn't help business." Kirishima sighed.

Bakugo debated, he wondered how Kirishima would look with a tattoo, let alone one of his tattoos. "Stop by the shop tomorrow and maybe I'll give you one."

"Woah really? That would be so cool, maybe I can get a skull or maybe a flower or maybe some chains!!" Kirishima began brainstorming what he wanted to get and voiced most of his thoughts out loud, Bakugo mostly just stayed quiet and unexpectedly listened, though he didn't let on.

They finally arrived at a rather rambunctious club. Kirishima was slightly shocked to say the least, he had thought Bakugo to be a guy who prefers a quieter scene with less people, but then again, he only met him that morning when he ran into him on his way to work. Kirishima had overslept and forgotten to set his alarm.


"Oh my god the first time I was in charge of the shop and I overslept! I'm super unmanly..." the redhead worried. He was practically pulling his hair out worrying about what Mai would say, she always called them her babies which only made Kirishima feel worse. Just as he turned the corner, he slammed into a blond boy.

After he helped him up, he realized just how beautiful he thought he was. He shook the thoughts out of his head and tried to make it up to the boy by inviting him out.

He arrived panting at the shop and quickly unlocked the door with the keys Mai entrusted him with. He flicked on the lightswitch and grabbed a watering can, quickly hydrating all the plants and beginning to arrange a few bouquets. Mai came in, seemingly impressed with all that Kirishima got done before she arrived.

"Kirishima-kun! I'm so happy you're on time! Thank you for opening it really helps." She bowed, "and thank you for taking care of my babies!" She cooed at a succulent.

"No problem Mai-san! It would be super unmanly if I didn't at least try to help you out."

"Alright, by the way put these here and it looks better." She said slipping close to him and putting her hand over his helping him move the stems properly. "Then I'll be off! Take care of my babies for me!"

Kirishima playfully saluted and continued his work, but not without the very same thoughts plagued his mind from the morning.

He shouldn't be having those feelings for a boy. He was a boy and boys can't have feelings for boys. It's wrong. Instead he should be liking Mai that way. She was a sweet girl who took care of her plants like they were extensions of herself. Besides, he didn't even know the boy's name, and he probably wouldn't be showing up after work. The redhead sighed and continued adding flowers into the decorative vase.

6 o' clock finally rolled around and Kirishima nervously wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. He hung up his apron and walked towards the probably abandoned meeting place, only to see the blond walking towards him. His blond spiky hair was messy and drew attention to his contrasting, colorful tattoos that littered his arms and neck. His red flannel flattered his thighs in his ripped jeans. Kirishima could feel his heart pumping. Taking a deep breath, he approached the explosive blond who shouted at him to get going, he even called him Shitty Hair. Instead of being offended, Kirishima actually found his temper endearing. He began chattering away until Bakugo offered him a tattoo, at that, Kirishima switched to talking about the different tattoos he could possibly get.

~Flashback End~

The loud music was nearly deafening but Bakugo remained unfazed as he had come here many times before. He took a seat at the bar and patted the stool next to him after scaring somebody else away.

He pounded his fist against the counter to get the bartenders attention. "Long time no see Bakugo, what can I get you?" Sero said, he smelled of weed and even had a lit one on the counter. Bakugo rolled his eyes and ordered some whiskey while Kirishima ordered a simple beer. Once they were served their drinks the two boys relaxed and began to chat, Kirishima was mostly the one making the conversation but Bakugo was at least trying.

Bakugo was no lightweight but he had a hard day and so, was a bit tipsy, but even intoxicated had enough sense to not get drunk. Meanwhile Kirishima was a bit of a lightweight and was straight up drunk. They stumbled home, Kirishima loudly following Bakugo while singing what sounded like a slurred Nicki Manaj song. They stumbled into the dark apartment where the redhead crashed on the couch and Bakugo made it to his room and onto his bed.

The Flower Tattoo - TattooArtist!Bakugo x Florist!Kirishima AUWhere stories live. Discover now