Where it all started

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Super sorry for the very embarrassingly late chapter I don't rlly have an excuse besides the facts I stopped reading and writing but I'm back!

"James potter!" Professor called out
James walked up to the stool and sat down, the hate place on his head and just like that the hat shouted griffindoor, same with Remus and Peter. It was Sirius's turn, the hat took sometime with him but it later called out griffindoor.
"Y/n black!"
Literally shaking I walk up hoping not to trip up the stairs because that's the last thing I'd want is to utterly humiliate my self infront of the whooooooole school.
Sitting down I feel the hat being placed on my head suddenly it started talking to me, okay creepy isn't supposed just call out my house?
"Hmmm your not very bright are you? But u read that's interesting, definitely not ravenclaw."
Blushing in embarrassment the hat didn't have to be such a dick
"Oh hush up you moldy rag" I mumbled
"Everything about you tells me you will do very well in slytherin but slytherins break the rules just shall you and your brother, GRIFFINDOOR!"
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, instantly I see my badge change from hogwarts to griffndoor, happily I say fuck off to the stairs and I just jump them all walking to my assigned table fist bumping the boys.
"Booya bitches, now where's the food I'm starving" sighing I look for the food on the table.
"You've gotta wait till the other kids get sorted black" James nodded to the kids still getting sorted
"oh" I slump back sadly, I mean I try forgetting that I'm not siting on a chair but in fact a bench which means I start falling backwards, not wanting to fall I grab the next person and accidentally started pulling them backwards with me, low and behold I pulled Remus(yea girl you pulled Remus) then Remus pulled Peter and Peter started falling and then Sirius grabbed Peter from across the table falling on the plates and James pulled Sirius up which pulled us all up.
"Oh my Merlin I've never been so scared we looked like fucking dominos" I put a hand on my heart and we all started laughing.


Four years later here we are in year 5 laughing at stupid shit, let me catch you up on what has happened through the years, basically me, Siri,James,Peter and Remus are still together we're stuck together like glue more or less, we're called the mauraders and we're the most hated group in the whole of hogwarts, mainly because we pull pranks on everyone and anyone, since we're grown, physically not mentally, mentally we're still 11 and 12 but what I'm trying to say we've all be in and out of love but as hard as I try to go find someone else to find attractive or even have any affection for I always come back thinking and crawling to Remus, I think I realized I liked him during our first holiday we've  had since we've  been in hogwarts, everywhere I'd go I'd be missing him and just feel empty without him, throughout the holidayI wouldn't get letters from any of the boys nor would Sirius, we later found out our mother has been taking our letters and burning them ever since she found out we got sorted with in griffindoor she's been horrible with us, absolutely no good she was always abusive but now it's gotten so much worse throughout the years some times it gets so bad me and Siri  leave the house and take a walk, we have scars and well on the bright side if you consider it bright me and Siri know how to Stich now! Every time before we'd leave to hogwarts she'd give us nasty wounds so she an i quote says "if your so proud to show everyone your in that nasty red house you may as well be proud of the punishments you get for disobeying my orders". But it's alright we have our group and we always cheer eachother up and we're always there for eachother especially for Remus every month basically hes a werewolf we found out half way through year 2 and we've become animugi to help Remus with his transformation, I'm a fox, James is a deer,Sirius is a dog, Peter is a rat and that's it's really lastly me Siri, James and Peter are trying to convince Remus to help us make,since he's the smartest one in the group, to make a magical map where we can see everyone's whereabouts and crazy stuff like that!
Oh and we've got nick names that we call eachother that's also related to our amungi, James is prongs, Peter is wormtail,siri is padfoot,Remus is moony and I'm vix, that's about it weve just finished breakfast and we're heading to class late AGAIN even after Remus bickering on how it's going to effect him at being head of something.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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