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I swiftly roamed around the house with nothing but a shirt, pajama pants, and socks.

I was calm. With every step that I took, the music grew fainter. I heard a grunting sound on the other side of the living room. But before I could get to it, a man struck me on the head. I turned around and punched him right in the face, which made him take a few steps back. I swung my arm, which was holding the kitchen knife, and slashed his arm. He grunted and fell to his knees. I took the chance to knock him down by kicking him in the face.

I quickly ran to where Six was. There was a man on the floor, and six looked to be fine.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, are you?"

"I'm good." He saw the knife in my hand, which was covered in blood. He saw the unconscious body on the ground. His eyes rotated between the body and me.

"How did you do that?"

"I took some self-defense lessons."

He saw right through me.

"I'm going to go call someone to remove the bodies; you may want to go check on Claire."

I nodded, quickly placed the knife on the kitchen table, and walked straight to Claire's room. I opened her door, and there she was, brushing her teeth.

"Hey" she smiled, toothpaste smithereen on her teeth. She must have not heard the intruders come in.

"Are you almost ready for bed?" I asked.

"Yes, I just need to finish brushing my teeth."

Ok, well, good night. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night, Kat."

I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I was contemplating walking into the kitchen because I didn't want Six to look at me like he knew that I was hiding something, which I certainly am. I entered my room and closed the door. I walked into the bathroom, and in the mirror, I noticed some blood on my thigh. Not a lot, but it was quite noticeable. I wonder if Claire noticed it. But I hope not, because I want to keep violence as far away from her as possible.

I took some clothes from my closet, and I decided to take a shower.

While I was in the shower, I couldn't help but think about Yelena. During our time in the red room, we were unstoppable. Dreykov always had a problem with us being together. He would tell me that she was a distraction. Although she was, in fact, a bit distracting, I was glad that she still reminded me of the outside world, even though it wasn't perfect. Freedom was the only thing that I hoped for during my time in the red room. Yelena was my most distracting treasure, so he would punish her for distracting me, and I had to sit there and watch.

After one brutal beating, I decided to push Yelena away. I stopped talking to her, training with her, and avoiding her as best I could. It was really hard, and I hated seeing her suffer for my actions, so I decided that I needed to be selfless for once and do the right thing. She eventually understood what I was doing, so we would only talk when no one was around us. It was tricky, but we made it work. The memories of Yelena haunt me but also bring me peace. I miss her so deeply.

After I finished showering, I did my night routine, which consisted of brushing my teeth and applying my serum and night cream. Then I blow-dried my hair and decided to watch a movie until I fell asleep.

I fell asleep watching Girl, interrupted.

The following morning, I woke up around 8:30, and I was in desperate need of a jog. With six in the house, I finally have some time for myself. Claire was sound asleep, but I needed to let Six know that I would be gone for a bit. I walked over to his door and gave it a knock. Seconds later, he opened the door, and he was shirtless. Water was dripping from his head onto his stomach, where his rock-hard abs were formed. I couldn't look away. Was six always this hot?

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