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Y/n arrange all food on the table and are come to dining area but tahir is not so she stood there then mrs singaniya said Mrs singaniya : y/n where is tahir ? Go and call him Y/n : yes mom She said this and go to upstairs to call tahir she open th...

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Y/n arrange all food on the table and are come to dining area but tahir is not so she stood there then mrs singaniya said
Mrs singaniya : y/n where is tahir ? Go and call him
Y/n : yes mom
She said this and go to upstairs to call tahir she open the door and saw him tieing his tie but his gaze come to her and he call her
Tahir : why are you standing there ? Help me to tie this
Y/n : yes
She said this and go towards him he handed the tie to her she was helping him he look at her face even a blink of eye that's make her uncomfortable she finished her work and said
Y/n : brakefast is ready mom said you come to downstairs
He said this and was about to go he grabbed her hand and pulled towards him which makes her back hit his built chest he whispered in her ear
Tahir : then we will go down stairs together
Y/n : why are you doing like this ? * Tears formed *
Tahir : beacuse i don't want my family became sad because of me
Y/n : so this all your drama ?
Tahir : yes then what did you think that i love you ? Never it's impossible i hate you i will not treat you as my wife and once more we are just acting infront of the members ok
Y/n : no response
Tahir : are you hearing me ? *Shout* which makes she flinch and started to cry and noded yes
Tahir : words i want words from your mouth say
Y/n : o-ok
Tahir : that's my girl * he wipe your tears and take you with him down Stairs*
Grandma : why are you late tahir ? Grandma said this tanu started to laugh silently* tahir look at her in angry
Y/n serve breakfast to tahir and she stood back while look down her heart is paining like hell but she controlled
Suddenly tanu said which makes y/n eyes widen
Tanu : bhabhi what's in you shoulder ? What happened ?
Suddenly y/n touch her shoulder and try to hide then with her saree but Mrs singaniya touch her wound which give her a pin
Y/n : ahj ......... Mrs singaniya look at her and said
Mrs singaniya : how did this happen y/n ? It's look like bite and it's fresh
Mrs singaniya said this tahir started to chock his food which make all gaze come to tahir tahir look at them and said
Tahir : why are you all look at me ? It's late now I'm going and tody i will not come to home for lunch so pack my lunch and give them to my secretary she will sent them to office
He said and take his car key then go from there
Mrs singaniya look at y/n and said are you hurt alot ? Do you want to hospital ?
Y/n : no mom I'm fine
She said and take all the dishes and go towards kitchen

Y/n is sitting on there sheared bedroom alone suddenly she remeber about her mother
Y/n : you know mom i got a new mom like you she love me like her oun daughter i love her like you mom . Today she treat my wound in this house all are good hearted but he is the who hate me most i don't know mom why i didn't do anything to him
Suddenly tanu enterd your room and come towards you and said
Tanu : ahh Bhabhi you this is my first time i enters bayya room i didn't saw his room clearly but today i got that chance * laughing *
Y/n smile at her
Tanu : bhabhi how is bayya to you ? Is he cold or romantic. ?
Y/n : huh he is a nice man he love me
Then you heard mrs singaniya calling you go to the downstairs and said
Y/n : what is it mom ? Do you want any help ?
Mrs singaniya : yes can you please give this lunch to tahir office ?
Y/n : mom me ?
Grandma : yes beti you didn't see singaniya enterprise so you can explore there too go and give this lunch to him
Y/n : but grandma he-...........
Grandma : this my final disition you can go with tanu
Y/n : ok grandma
Y/n go to upstairs and change her dress then come down stairs

✅ A NIGHT OF SINFUL LOVE 💕( Indian ) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora