Ill always be there.

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Guess who still feels likes shit cause the animes ended? Thats right, Me.
Who's really nervous to post this? Oh wait, its Me again.

Anyway, I ment to get this out on both Wattpad n Ao3 near Christmas or Christmas Eve, but I'm a huge procrastinator so..🧍‍♀️

《This will be posted onto Ao3 when its been beta-read and edited. Which will be a while. Haha...》

Constructive criticism is allowed(And wanted) sorry for any mistakes.

The fanfic is 1559 words, try to enjoy it.

Mob was staring down at the comic book he was reading.

Now openly placed on his small desk.

Reigen didn’t respond.

Reigen heard him this time, taking a quick glance over at his student, but returned to the computer.

“Yes, Mob. is there something you need?”
He answered, but wasn’t looking at Mob.
He's still paying attention, if that makes sense.

Mob blinked from the comic book to stare at Reigen.

Mob took a while to respond, Reigen thinks he’s giving him the silent treatment.

“I have thoughts of hurting you with my powers Shishō.” Mob needed to get this off his chest.
Even if he didn’t feel like it.

Reigen stopped typing as his eyes looked over at Mob, head following after.

His eyes slightly widened.
Mob didn’t miss it.
He misses the part of knowing if it’s in fear, or surprise.

"I can, but I wouldn’t.” Came Mobs response To Reigen.
You shouldn’t use your powers on people.
Yet here he is imagining it.

Reigens face scrunched up, possibly in worry.

Mob thinks his eyes sharpen.
His left hand is twitchy.
Something he does not ignore. He is very aware of it.
His vision becomes blurry, he’s still staring.

He’s so ‘aware’, he just barley missed the thoughtful hum from Reigen. Bringing Mob back to the real world.
     That’s a quick change.
    Had he been lost in thought?

What is Shishō going to do and how is he going to feel? Thoughts circled in Mobs head.

Mob was expecting him to be scared, angry or maybe even sad from what he admitted.
Mainly scared.

But of course, he wasn’t.

Mob was just slightly surprised when Reigen was as calm as ever.

Mob doesn’t know why he expected anything else from his Shishō.

His eyes are soft and understanding.
If Mob were to look harder, would he find fear and resentment?

Shishō has always been good at lying, Hasn’t he?
He wouldn’t show if he was scared.

For it all, Reigen is patient.
he waits for Mob to focus before he talks.
Its important to let kids think, after all.

He thinks it’s okay to talk now.
So he talks.
“Its normal for that kind of stuff to happen, Ya’know?” Reigen uses hand gestures to talk. He might be nervous.

Mob continued his stare, Reigen felt an unpleasant chill go down his spine.

He forced himself not to shiver.
It isn’t cold in the office.

I'll always be there(I don't think so)(MP100)Where stories live. Discover now