City streets

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Authors note*******
Hey so I know I don't do all of these and it's just cuz I hate when hou get excited cuz you think there is a new chapter but really the writer is just saying stuff you don't care about. But it had inspiration for the poem from
(Drum roll please) allpurposeflour!!!! Okay that's it thanks for reading

The streets have seen it all
The good the bad, every fall
They gaze at the people walking away
It screams for the sores found every day

It's glaring lights piercing your soul
Seeing inside, dirty, lifeless, dull
Inside the winding streets
The darkest secrets do they keep

Watching people oblivious to what's around
Their battered corpses were never found
No one but the streets
Know where these people creep

Need a secret?
Trade one but you've got to keep it
Ask the cars speeding by
But with knowledge you will fly

With flight you will fall
The buildings they call
Jump from the highest one
Now your day is done

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