ii. Fresh Start

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Why am I here?

To improve myself, to use my curse for good, to-

"So I can help instead of harm, to improve myself and to control my curses and utilise them for something better to use for good," I gripped the edges of my shirt, uneasy of the heavy tension placed upon me.

"Why?" he further taunted

"I don't want to ignore my past and pretend to be a normal person anymore. I kept running away from my problems and I need to correct myself for the wrongdoings I've committed. So I can use my experience to better myself and fight for those I care for. And if it comes to it, I won't regret everything I've done when I die because I'd already have resigned myself to it," I hastily rattle under my breath, praying he could hear my words.

I hate interviews.

"And if someone dies because of you?"

"I'll accept it. It's the least I could do given what I have done, can and will do."

"Take her to the dorm. I'm sure you've explained to her already about the school? If not, you'd better tell her on the way. Sorry kiddo, I heard from your brother about your fear. You've passed," Yaga stated.

"Welcome to Jujutsu High School!" Akira cheered before Yaga could continue, "Sorry, sorry. I've wanted to do it for a while. I'll get going with Y/n now. Thank you, Principal Yaga!"

Yaga returned with a smile as Akira held my hand and dragged me to the dorms with him. The rooms were mostly empty, with only one or two occupants.

A orange-faded-white-haired boy popped out from one of the rooms, seeming wary and afraid, "...Eh? Kyotokai-sensei?"

"Ah, wait! These are the boys' dorms! Sorry, Fuyu-kun!" Akira scrambled to get us out of the building and into the correct one.

"The girls dormitory! Uh, basically like the guys but for girls. Here, this will be your room." Akira led me to a mostly empty room, on the side filled with boxes. A bed, an empty wardrobe and a plain study desk, and a window. I guess it was up to students to decorate their own dorms.

"I have to unpack everything myself?" I turned to Akira with a scoff.

"Do I look like I even want to touch your stuff? Anyway, they're all labelled and you're the one who packed them. I don't need to know what you wanted to bring, and never will," he argued back.

"Fine. Reasonable. Also, who's teaching?" I asked him.

"I teach second-years. Satoru's the one in-charge of first-years, so good luck,"

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean—"

"Get unpacking! Also, send in a request for your own customised uniform before Satoru does!"


And so, great-jujutsu-sorcerer-brother-Akira left. At least he closed the door.

"What's with the noise?" a green-haired girl asked next door, though I did not pay attention to her and instead on unpacking my stuff. On top of the stack of boxes, there was a letter and a tiny compartment box. I opened it up, seeing a student I.D. and some kunai given by my brother. I looked at the letter, reading it thoroughly. A stupid letter from Satoru and a note from my brother.

Call me anytime you need help and don't want Satoru, 8293 1394 - K. A. (note: not an irl number)

Reading the note, I called his number and met up with him to brainstorm my custom uniform.

"So, are uniforms used during missions?"


Akira told me to give him a sketch or a rough and he would handle the rest. Apparently he could draw.

𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝟎: 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 || Okkotsu YutaWhere stories live. Discover now