Chapter 1

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It was a cold and chilly night. The streets were empty and the stores were all closed one by one. Everyone has just gotten home and is already jumping in their soft bed ready for a good night's rest.

All except for the night bars that stayed up to entertain the lonely and the bored. The music was blasting on full volume while lights from the disco flashed through the walls. There were people dancing, DJs singing and alcohol being shared from one to another.

In the highest room that oversees everything stood three young men all sipping their drinks with an impatient faces. The room was relatively quiet except for the occasional whisper of music and people screaming. It was a dimly lit room with expensive beers sitting in the far corner and highly sought-out food.

"When is he going to get here!" One of the young men said angrily. The young man has short straight black hair and bangs that almost covered his warm brown eyes. He stood to be 171 cm tall and wore a white long-sleeve shirt underneath his black band t-shirt. He wore a pair of blue denim jeans with holes in them and a matching key necklace. On the right side of his neck was a tattoo of a cat's paw.

Although Jisung Woo is usually the late one, it's sad to see someone else acting like him. It's fine if he's the late one. But not when someone else is late. If that son of a gun doesn't show up, he'll commit a war crime!

"Maybe something happened...He's usually not that late..." A soft voice sounded from across Jisung.

Nao Nixen looked at the door anxiously. He wore a white blouse underneath a dark blue sweater. His hazel-green eyes gazed from side to side as if frantically looking everywhere for that one person who failed to show up His fluffy brown hair bounced whenever he tried to peek at the door.

"Calm down Nao. I'm sure he'll be fine." A slurred, almost drunk voice echoed through the walls.

Nao just turned around and scolded, "August! I think you have enough! Stop drinking or else I won't take you home!"

The drunk blonde just smiled lazily at the nervous dog and rolled his eyes. His white shirt was wrinkled and the large brown jacket smelled of alcohol.

"He'll be fine, dude. Stop acting like an anxious wife!" He said jokingly and scolded the tall brunette.

Even though Nao is a tall 178 cm guy, he is still incredibly shy and often paranoid. He's like a skittish big dog from the shelter. Sometimes, you could even see a pair of brown ears peeking from the top of his head. Just as Nao was about to retort, he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and the loud gush of sound.

"Yo apologizes for the late tardy." A cold voice said from the door.

Walking in was the most handsome man anyone has ever seen. The man has long silver hair that was tied up in a low ponytail, cold grey eyes that looked like the storm, and pretty thin lips. He stood about 190cm tall with a sturdy and lean body and a stern face that could freeze anyone to death. He wore a tight black shirt, a long jacket, cargo, and black boots. He has three piercings on his right ear and a small tattoo on the side of his neck.

His chilly cold eyes scanned the area before walking toward the wine and grabbing it hastily.

"West!" Nao screamed in absolute joy. His hazel green eyes sparkled with pure happiness. Immediately, he grabbed West by the arms and leaned on it.

"Dude, why are you so late?" Jisung huffed out and crossed his arms like a pouting child.

West just took a sip of his wine before putting the bottle done and patting Jisung on the head. "My apologies, Liebling. Something came up."

After hearing the nickname, Jisung blushed slightly. This nickname has been given to him ever since they were both young. He doesn't know what it is, but whenever he hears it, it never fails to make him giddy on the inside. "Fine. I'll forgive you just this once!"

West just nodded and took another sip of his bottle. Nao, who was still clinging to his arms, just scrunched his nose at the smell of the malodorous wine but refused to move away. "What happened West? It's not like you to be late."

"... it's a private matter."

"Aiya! Let's forget about that and start the party!!" August roared out loud and began to chuck the large cup of beer.

"August!! Be careful! You might choke!" Nao screamed and tried to pull the beer glass away.

"Let the man drink!!" Jisung laughed and started to chug the beer bottle.

"Jisung! Stop encouraging him!"

After that, the room was filled with loud laughter and music. It was a cold and chilly night, but it was surprisingly warm in the small room tucked in the corner of a nightclub. 


My very first book. ^-^ Please forgive any grammar mistakes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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