My Nerd

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Putting on my skirt, I finish off my daily routine before school. Jinnie is not gonna believe what I have to tell him. I zipped up my pink pumps and made my way out my room grabbing my bag. I grab an apple for breakfast as I hear the bus honk it's horn from outside. Running outside I hope into the bus and find a seat and sit down. I grab the headphones out of my backpack and lean against the window listening to my Spotify playlist awkwardly named something weird like 'Songs that make me think of him.' Probably made when I was about 13 and never changed for the fact that I am too lazy. Once the bus stops at school, and I get out and enter school making my way down the hall to my locker. Cramming my stuff in my locker and pulling out the books I need for the first class. I bolt to class, like I'm the track star Usain Bolt in the Olympics. I make it just in time to get a seat at the back and get comfortable.

I pull out my laptop and start taking notes. I want to start this semester off with at least some efforts. Last semester my mom got pissed at me because I didn't focus on school. But with a quick glance I'm distracted by Minho. Sometimes I don't think it's normal the amount of fantasies I have about him. But how can I blame myself his thighs are so thick and his veiny arms would have me on my knees begging. Too far? Maybe a little. He is the school's biggest nerd but he's not ugly at all he just works really hard on his grades. Truth be told my friends think I'm crazy for liking someone like him, but I say it's wrong to categorize people. Sometimes when I don't watch the time it flies, and I end up forgetting to take notes oops. If this was text I would put a sweating emoji and not the hot one. The bell rings and I get up for study time in the Library. Truth be told usually everyone usually goes outside and studies out because no one like the library. Today for some reason I feel like staying inside.

I make it to the Library and scan it with my eyes. There is no one here except for Lee Minho studying of course. I guess I might just ask him for some help studying for our classes. I walk over and place a tap on his shoulder. "Hey Minho right, I heard you were smart and I need some help understanding my assignment, do you think you could help me." He looks at at me and smirks. How devilish of him. He replies with a soft "sure". I sit next to him and pull my books out. We start talking about some of the stuff for Calculus that we are working on. "You understand pretty well what I'm saying when I explain it to you so why do you need help" his warm chocolate voice says. God how this man is hot. "I just don't usually understand when the professor goes on and on, I get distracted easily." Blushing a little while I pass glances at Minho. "Well I'm always here if you need to understand some of the lessons." I'm freaking out but let's keep it cool. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."


Thank God for short skirts and femboy's my life would be incomplete without them. And God how they turn me on, mainly one Femboy in particular. His name is Han Jisung, he's in my class. His body is so fucking delectable, I could just eat him with my eyes. I've had an obsession with him ever since the first day of school. He's all I think about besides school. Most of the time I spend not studying I spend dreaming about all the things I could do to him if we were alone together. I know I might be kinda weird and obsessive but I need him. And now he's sitting right next to me looking so hot. I can't help but just put my hand on his thighs. They look so inviting smooth, nice and milky white.


I look down and Minho puts his hand on my thigh. Inside I'm panicking but I have to keep my cool. What do I do now.

-Chapter 1 end-

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