Chapter 8

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The Boiling Isles is so normal, yet it feels so... new. The collector hadn't done much to the area we arrived in, so it's a pretty easy trek from there to what we think is the head of the Titan, which happens to be completely transformed. It's shaped almost like Owlbert, and like an owl in general. There are towers leading off the main body. The structure seems to be made of bone, too.

On the way, we did have to hide from a few of the Collector's 'worshippers' from that cult Luz had told us about. Titan Trappers, I think they called themselves. That's besides the point, though; it was quite clear they would eliminate anyone in their way that wasn't with the Collector.

The three times we came across them, they weren't too hard to hide from. We simply ducked under a rock the first two times, and the third we managed to find a tree. It took me a second to realize who exactly they were the first time, but it became pretty obvious once you noticed their face paint. Moon designs, with half of their faces painted purple and the other half normal. The moon designs were primarily on their arms, necks, and what we could see of their legs.

Now, we're walking down a stray dirt path through a strong mist. We're by the Celestial Lake, so it makes sense that it's foggy. It's either steam (More likely), or literally anything else (Less likely), but we can't see three feet in front of our faces either way. We're on guard, looking out for any sort of ambush or attack.

No attacks come as we trudge through the muddy bank. Though there are rustles in the bushes and bare trees surrounding the clearing where the lake sits. I doubt what or whoever is there can see us due to the fog, since we can barely see ourselves, and none of us are using glyphs or magic to light the way.

A twig snaps from somewhere beside me, yet still out of my view. I turn, and try to look through the thick fog. There's a soft gasp from near me. Someone hugs me from behind, nearly taking my breath away. They feel like Luz.

"Amity! Sweet potato!" Luz says, and it's clear it's her now. It's almost like little hearts are floating around her head, and she seems so happy. Warmth floods my body, and it's like I'm whole again. We're finally back together, and I couldn't be happier.

"Luz!" I reply, giggling. I don't know where the rest of the group is right now, and I could honestly care less about that, because I'm back with my amazing girlfriend. She kisses my neck a few times before spinning around to face me. I'm a blushing mess, I can tell, even if I can't see myself, but this is worth it, because I'm back to her.

Her expression shifts for a second. "How'd you get back? Is anybody following you guys?" She's concerned, I can also tell. She's still smiling at me, and blushing just a tad bit less than I am, but she's worried about us.

"We got through a natural portal--er--sort of natural. I don't think we're being followed," I respond, cupping my chin with my fingers, thinking. "I heard something or someone in the bushes, but I assume that was you, right?" Luz nods, and clasps my hand in hers.

"Yeah, that was me. I couldn't tell who you guys were from a distance." She smiles again, before glancing around. "Where are the others? I mean, they did come with you?" I look too, and I can't make out their silhouettes in the fog. I nod, and point to a collection of bipedal forms behind me, assuming it was them, as there wouldn't be anyone else in this location at this time.

"Gus, Willow, Hunter!" I call out to the three, beckoning them over. They appear through the mist in about a minute. They seem soaking wet, as if they fell in the lake itself, but you can see their faces light up like mine did when they see Luz.

"Luz!" Willow exclaims, her and Gus going in for a hug. Hunter just stands there awkwardly during the exchange, staring at the ground. I think they're on good terms now, but it's hard to tell. They seemed fine together earlier. I guess it's just hard to talk to someone again after everything that's happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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