Chapter 1: The kidnapping

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It's been a few days since the crime board was burnt to the ground, both Jack and I think it was the cult, at least I assume it was. I walked into the office, feeling somewhat comforted by the bell that dinged when the door was opened. Jack walked in a few seconds after and immediately went to where a now empty wall stands. I walked over to him, my throat feeling bone-dry as the wall seemed to loom over me. The crime board is gone, and I just had to figure out how the person who destroyed it bypassed our security feed.
Both Jack and I stared at where the crime board was once placed, a.k.a the wall. I noticed a rancid smell, but thought nothing of it as I continued to think of the destroyed evidence. Jack and I collected it over the span of a few months, so it was truly devastating to watch it just...disappear. We hadn't bothered to replace it with another one yet though, so that we could try to revisit it.
I gave a depressed sigh, trying to figure out why it would be set ablaze. When I was still in deep thought I suddenly saw a flicker of movement going towards the wall, it was Jack's hand. He pointed towards the wall, "that looks like cloth, don't it?"  He asked "why would it be there? That could be the culprit's!" He exclaimed dumbly it IS the culprit's I wanted to blurt out, but I didn't want to see him disappointed in himself. I ended up letting him have his moment, but then I felt his hand grab mine.
                  Thump        Thump        Thump
My heartbeat increased as I felt my face heat up at the sudden contact, but my eyes drifted towards the 'evidence' Jack had found. It was a toned down beet red color. It looked as though it was made from leather, although it is probably cloth. This fabric still had ash from the fire that was here a few days before. It had a horrendous smell, like a fresh dead body that was in the middle of a fire. Explains the smell I guess.. My gaze ventured back to the window, and there I saw it; the same fabric being formed into a robe, it looked like the cult robes that the cult members always wore. "Someone is watching us.." I mumbled my grip on Jack's hand tightening. The robe was being worn, and I was being watched. It moved away from the window and out of view as I felt Jack turn to me and kiss the top of my head. I panicked enough to let out a squeak of terror ignoring the sudden kiss that should've melted my frozen heart. I wrapped my arms around Jack with a sudden need to feel safe. Jack started to laugh, I glared at the eccentric man who immediately tried to make me laugh as well. "That was unexpected!" He giggled out, which I had to admit was pretty cute. I let a weak smile go across my face, but that's when I heard the bell on top of the office's door to alert us that someone was coming. It rang again, trying to implicate multiple people walking in.
                Ding        Ding        Ding        Ding
It kept ringing, now it just seemed like they wanted our attention. I looked over towards the hall that went towards the bell and started walking over.
"We should check that out." I said, grabbing a cigarette from my back pocket and lighting it, hoping it would calm my now racing nerves. "I still disagree with your smoking habit." Jack scoffed walking ahead of me, his hips sashaying from side to side as he always did when either angry or annoyed. That's my man.. I sighed, all the smoke drifting off in the other direction. I dropped the cigarette on the floor and stomped on it so the fire wouldn't spread throughout the building. I ended catching up to Jack rather quickly, and planted him a kiss on the cheek. I could feel my heartbeat trying to thump out of my chest.

Thump Thump Thump Thump

It was like it was counting down the seconds

Thump Thump Thump Thump

Time got slower as I looked up at the now smiling man, realizing I never did that on impulse before. "It felt right." I muttered my instincts telling me that something was not right. My hand drifted towards my gun, that always sat right by my side. Jack looked at me with a worried expression, obviously observing our surroundings. I have a feeling I won't be able to see him for months after this... I walked out of the hallway and froze in shock. "You.." I started when suddenly...


I looked over my shoulder and saw Jack passed out. JACK!! I tried to scream out, but suddenly it was all black. I felt cold and miserable... would I be able to see him again..?


I was scared, and my husband and I were knocked out cold... help me..


I got a sudden pain...somewhere in my body. I hate this.
The air around me dampened when I started to gain my sight once more. Jack was nowhere to be seen, but at least I knew where I was. Help me I silently pleaded, I was in the hands of the familiar heart-freezing, jaw dropping, shaking in fear right now; cult. They kidnapped me, and only me but why..?

Come       Find        Me....      Jack, please!

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