Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Jamey's POV

OMG! I'm so excited. Me and my friends Erin, Kim, Camryn, and Natalie are going to London for a One Direction concert. We even have backstage passes! We're flyin on the plane right now watching Toy Story 2 which reminds us of Liam. We get to stay in the same hotel as the boys and are the only other people on the ame floor. By the way, My name is Jamey and I'm so in love with Louis Tomlinson. When he broke up with Eleanor Calder my heart broke for him but i was also happy he was single.

-An hour later-

We just got off the plane and now were waiting for the limo. I gueess I forgot to mention. My cousin is a famous singer and he arranged this entire trip. He is the opening act for ONe Direction. We got in the limo and the driver drove us to the hotel.

Erin's POV

As we pulled into the doorway there were people everywhere. When we got out of the care we needed security to help us get inside inside. Once we were inside we checked into our rooms. I was with Jamey. And Kim, Camryn, and Kiara all shared a room. When me and Jamey got to our room we set our stuff on the bed and started singing WMYB and danced around the room. Then there was a knock on the door. "They tell us to shut up you slap 'em" I said. Jamey opened the door laughing. Louis and Liam were at the door. Jamey looked at them for a second and fell to the floor laughing. They looked at her then me then her agina. I fell down laughing next to her.When we finally stopped laughin I stood up and said hi. Jamey leaid on the ground with her eyes closed. :"Is she ok?" Louis asked me. "Ya  she just needs a moment." Then suprisingly Louis got down on the ground next to jamey and kissed her on the lips. OMG...

Kim's POV

I walked up to the room with Camryn and Kiara. When we got there Harry, Niall, and ZAYN! were all outside the dorr goofing off and playing hackysack. They all hugged us as we walked up to the door. As Zayn hugged me he whispered in my ear " You look really sexy in that outfit." I was wearing short denim shorts with a cute high low pink tank top. My pink glittery heels perfected the look. 'Thanks handsome" I walked into the room with Zayn behind me with this hands on my waist. As soon as I set my bags on the bed Zayn started to pull me towards the door. I stopped him and ran to my puste to grab my Iphone. "I'm going to look around.: I said to everyone. Then I took Zayns hand and led him out the door.

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