Dead & Lifeless

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This short story was based on a dream I had. Let me tell you what happened...

I came in my bedroom and saw my sister in front of the door all dead and lifeless.

For some reason, I fixed her limbs and straightened since it was wonky and bent abnormally. After I finished with it, I went out the bedroom and left her there.

After that one event, I keep finding my sisters body in different areas, still looking dead and lifeless. I couldn't remember where it all happened but each time, I only remember bring them back to our bedroom floor where I first saw them.

The one thing I remember clearly is when I was doing laundry as part of my chores.

After spinning the clothes with soap and water, I was ready to place it in the dryer but I saw hair floating in the waters surface. When I pulled it out, my sisters face greeted me. I pulled her out completely and dragged them back to our bedroom.

Since it was a dream, she was dry when I was dragging her. The last thing that happened before I woke up is checking on her in the bedroom but instead of a dead body discarded on the floor, I saw my sister sitting on top of our bed and playing on her phone.

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