Anne vs Darcy and The Surprised Kiss

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Anne jumps in the air twords Darcy, "Ahhhh!" Anne screamed, "Hahahahahaha!" Darcy laughs as she twirls her scythe, she clashes with Anne, their weapons clashes against each other, Darcy uses her mechanical tentacles to fling Anne into a wall, Anne gets up and slashes at Darcy, Darcy doge's Anne's hits, "Give me back my future Girlfriend!" Anne yelled, "you can't get her back, she's going to be fine with out you anyways." Darcy said, "No!" Anne yelled, she managed to kick Darcy to the ground and is about to defeat Darcy, Darcy gets up and moves out of the way, "Too Slow." Darcy said, "Give my Marcy back to me!" Anne yelled, Anne activated her Calamity Powers and charged twords Darcy, "well, this fight got very good." Darcy said, their battle continued.


Sasha and Grime were in a cell together, "Grime are you okay?" Sasha asked, "Yeah, I'm fine." Grime said, "We need to find away out of here." Sasha said, "Sasha, calm down, we just need to wait." Grime said, "Okay." Sasha said, they wait for Anne to come get them out.

Back with Anne and Darcy...

Anne and Darcy were clashing with a Sword and Laser Scythe, Anne deactivated her Calamity Powers so she doesn't hurt Marcy, she charges twords Darcy and slashes at Darcy, Darcy blocks Anne's attacks, Darcy twirls her scythe and hits the sword, Anne kicks Darcy to the ground, she jumps in the air and tried to hit Darcy but Darcy moves out of the way and blocks Anne's attacks, Anne and Darcy hit each other, Darcy's Scythe flies out of her hands, "Huff... Huff..." Anne breathing, she swings her Sword upwards to finish Darcy off, Darcy is sweating, she's enraged, "Grrr!" Darcy's angered, she grabs Anne's shirt collar with both her hands, she goes twords Anne and does something that makes Anne blushed, Darcy kisses Anne, Anne is blushed, "Hmm." Darcy depends the kiss, "Hmm!!" Anne is shocked her possessed crush is kissing her, she drops the sword and embraced the kiss, she kinda enjoying it, She wraps her arms around Darcy, she embraced Darcy, Darcy kicks Anne in the stomach, causing her to fall to the ground, "You almost had us there Anne, but your feelings for Marcy is your weakness." Darcy said, she uses a mechanical tentacle to grab her scythe, she grabs her scythe and swings it twords Anne, "Any last words, Anne?" Darcy said, Anne tackles Darcy to the ground, she grabs her sword and stabs it into the ground next to Darcy's head, "Do it, Anne, end it, kill us, kill your future girlfriend, we know you won't, go ahead, do it!" Darcy said, Anne sees Marcy in Darcy, she can't do it, She drops her sword, she picks Darcy up and hugs her, "Marcy, please come back, I know what you did was wrong, but I now know why you did it, please come home, I want you back, I Love You Marcy!" Anne said, Darcy sees Anne and pretends to be Marcy, she hugs Anne, "Anne." Darcy said in Marcy's voice, "Marcy, your back." Anne said, she hugs her, she takes Darcy's helmet off, she stroked Darcy's cheek, she sees Marcy's brown eyes, (Darcy reverted her eyes to brown to make Anne think Marcy is back, but it's all a ruse) "Anne, I'm so sorry, I was so scared of moving away, the thought of losing you was so big, I was thinking that if we weren't together, we wouldn't be friends anymore." Marcy said, "Marcy, I know it's hard, but no matter how much we fight it or deny it, things change, we can't stop it, but nothing, not time nor distance can break the bond we share, because nothing can take away the time we spent together." Anne said, Anne and Marcy hug, Marcy's eyes glow orange then back to brown, "Anne, I Love You." Marcy said, "I Love You Too Marcy." Anne said, the two are finally back together, or that's what Anne thinks.

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