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The name of the island they found us on is Lian Yu. It's Mandarin for purgatory. Oliver, he's been stranded here for five years, but for me...I've lost track of time. I've dreamed of my rescue every cold, black night since then. For all those years, I've had only one thought, one goal, survive. The island held many dangers. To live, I had to make myself more than what I was to forge myself into a weapon. My name is Shabina.

"Twenty percent of her body's covered in scar tissue. Second-degree burns on her back and arms. X-rays show at least 12 fractures that never properly healed," A Doctor explained to Oliver as they watched Shabina through the window.

"Has she said anything about what happened?" Oliver asked.

"No, she's barely said anything." The Doctor admitted, "But with the amount of damage done to her, it could be possible that she's traumatized. Child Services..."

"No," Oliver interrupted. "She's staying with me,"

"Oliver," Mrs. Queen chastised.

"Shabina saved my life on that island, the least I can do is provide her the same courtesy,"


The driver moved to pick up a Chinese green box from the trunk of the car, the only item Oliver and Shabina had brought back with them from the island.

Oliver stopped the driver from picking it up "I've got it," he placed a hand on Shabina's back to lead her into the Queen's household.

"Your room is exactly as you left it," Mrs. Queen told Oliver "I never had the heart to change a thing,"

"Oliver." A man greeted.

Oliver placed the case on the floor.

"It's damn good to see you. It's Walter." Walter shook Oliver's hand. "Walter Steele,"

"You remember Walter." Mrs. Queen told Oliver, "Your father's friend from the company,"

Oliver looked past Walter and lead Shabina over to another woman "Shabina, I want you to meet someone."

The woman smiled down at Shabina.

"It's good to see you, Raisa,"

"Welcome home, Mr. Oliver," Raisa greeted. "Mr. Merlyn phoned. He wants to join you for dinner,"

"Wonderful," Mrs. Queen said.

Shabina instinctively looked up when she heard a door open and close.

Oliver was careful to place a hand on her back to reassure her that she was safe.

"Oliver, did you hear that?" Mrs. Queen asked her son.

Oliver moved passed the group and over to the staircase, where another girl came into the hallway. "Hey, sis,"

"I knew it." The girl said as she hurried down the stairs. "I knew you were alive." the girl hugged Oliver. "I missed you so much,"

"You were with me the whole time,"


Shabina walked into the room she was staying in after taking a shower, the water reminding her of the rain back on the island. Her fingers danced through her hair to get rid of the tangles, pausing when she took note of herself reflected in a mirror.

The face she saw in the mirror was a stranger.


Oliver looked over a picture of him and his father when his best friend came into the room.

"What did I tell you? Yachts suck,"

"Tommy Merlyn," Oliver greeted as the duo hugged.

"I missed you, buddy," Tommy said.


"Okay. What else did you miss?" Tommy said as he sat next to Oliver at the dinner table; Shabina sat on the other. "Super Bowl winners, Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, Giants again. A black president, that's new. Oh, and 'Lost,' they were all dead, I think,"

Oliver's sister looked next to her at Shabina. "What was it like there?"

Oliver placed a reassuring hand on Shabina's hand as he looked over at his sister. "Cold,"

"Tomorrow, you and me, we're doing the city," Tommy said, changing the subject. "You've got a lot to catch up on,"

"That sounds like a great idea," Oliver's mother proclaimed.

"Good. Then I was hoping to swing by the office," Oliver said.

"Well, there's plenty of time for all that," Walter reasoned. "Queen Consolidated isn't going anywhere,"

The maid tripped and fell toward Shabina. "Oh, I am so sorry,"

"Все нормально (It's fine)," Shabina replied in Russian.

"Holy shit, she speaks," Tommy laughed.

Shabina glared over at him.

"I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter," Oliver spoke.

The room went silent as Oliver's mother glanced over at his sister.

"I didn't say anything," Oliver's sister proclaimed.

"She didn't have to," Oliver admitted.

Oliver's mother nodded hesitantly. "Oliver, Walter and I are married, and I don't want you to think that either one of us did anything to disrespect your father,"

"We both believed that Robert like you, was, uh, well, gone," Walter explained.

"It's fine," Oliver said.

Shabina shifted in her chair uncomfortably and looked over at Oliver. "May I be excused?"

Oliver nodded his head, and she quickly took off for her room.


Shabina had fallen asleep in front of the window of her room, the windows open as a storm raged outside.

Oliver watched the girl, knowing that it helped her feel at home, but he knew that if his mother saw the mess, she would ask questions. He walked over to Shabina and knelt "Shabina, wake up. Shabina?"

Shabina's eyes snapped open, and, without thinking, flipped Oliver to the ground and held him in a chokehold.

"Oliver!" Walter exclaimed as he entered the room.

Oliver held out a hand to stop Walter from coming any further.

Shabina looked around the room in a craze until her mind caught up with her, and she looked down to see Oliver. She quickly let him go and hurried back. "I'm sorry. I'm so, I'm so sorry," she murmured.

Oliver hugged Shabina close. "It's okay, Shabina. It's alright. You're home. You're home,"

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